Know Your Enemy’s Tech: TargetSmart

AP Photo/Mary Altaffer

This profile is part of the VICI Report, a comprehensive multi-part series exploring the sophisticated use of technology in political operations.  This series aims to uncover the processes, mechanisms, tools, and technologies used by Democrats to master our political processes and to develop strategies that answer and ultimately defeat their manipulations in 2024 and beyond.


The Democrats' Data-Driven Political Machine

TargetSmart stands as the liberal left's dominant force in political data infrastructure, wielding sophisticated analytics to shape electoral outcomes with alarming precision. Founded in 1995 in Washington, D.C., this Democrat-aligned company has expanded its reach, now commanding an estimated 70% market share among leftist non-profits. CEO Lindsey Schuh Cortés, alongside CTO Ben Stroud and Chief Solutions Officer Jamaä Bickley-King, has raised $7.75 million in funding to develop a suite of political data products.

TargetSmart's core offerings — VoterBase, CellBase, and ContributorBase — compile extensive dossiers on American voters, aggregating personal information, contact details, and financial contributions. This massive data repository covers over 200 million voters, includes 171 million cell phone numbers, and tracks $6.7 billion in political contributions.

As a primary data provider for the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and numerous state Democrat parties, TargetSmart's influence on recent elections cannot be understated. In the 2020 presidential election, their data-driven strategies played a crucial role in swaying key battleground states. This pattern of digital manipulation continued in the 2022 midterms, where TargetSmart's tactics helped Democrats defy historical trends, undermining expected Republican gains.

TargetSmart's rise exemplifies the Democrats' calculated exploitation of technology to control political processes. By enabling micro-targeted propaganda and invasive voter profiling, the company has fundamentally altered the landscape of modern campaigning. Their advanced tools, including IntelliBase Platinum and ElectionBase, provide Democrats with unprecedented capabilities in voter manipulation.

The full scope of TargetSmart's operations reveals how their data-driven approach threatens the integrity of election processes in the digital age. For conservatives, understanding and countering this technological juggernaut is no longer optional – it's a matter of political survival.

Digital Arsenal Reshaping American Politics

TargetSmart's suite of data-driven tools forms the backbone of the Democrats' digital campaign strategy. At the core of their offerings lie three powerful databases that provide campaigns with extensive access to voter information:


Core Databases


TargetSmart's flagship product, VoterBase, is a comprehensive repository of information on over 263 million voters and potential voters. This extensive database includes detailed voter registration information, voting history, and demographic data, undergoing frequent updates to reflect the latest electoral changes. VoterBase tracks not only whether someone voted, but how they voted (mail-in, early voting, or election day) and in which specific elections they participated. This level of detail allows Democrat campaigns to identify likely supporters, target undecided voters, and tailor their messaging based on voting patterns and demographic profiles.


With over 171 million cell phone numbers, CellBase provides Democrats with direct access to voters' mobile devices. This database undergoes constant testing and updating, reflecting the dynamic nature of modern communication patterns. CellBase links phone numbers to voter profiles, allowing for targeted text messaging and phone banking campaigns. The database is regularly cross-referenced with the National Change of Address (NCOA) registry and the Wireless Block Identifier file, ensuring its accuracy in reaching voters, even as they move or change numbers.


Housing data on political contributions totaling over $6.7 billion, ContributorBase offers insights into the financial landscape of political support. Sourced from multiple state campaign disclosure data sources, this database allows campaigns to identify potential high-value donors, analyze giving patterns, and tailor fundraising strategies. ContributorBase tracks contributions of various sizes, creating detailed profiles of donors' political leanings and financial capabilities.

Advanced Analytical Tools

Beyond these core databases, TargetSmart provides sophisticated tools for data analysis and voter targeting:

IntelliBase Platinum

This national marketing file contains consumer data on over 200 million individuals, including demographics, lifestyle, behavioral, and affluence characteristics. IntelliBase Platinum incorporates data points such as consumer habits, media consumption, and lifestyle choices. The database includes over 1,000 fields of information per individual, covering a wide range of personal data. This granular information allows for nuanced voter profiling and targeting, enabling campaigns to craft messages that resonate with voters' personal interests and behaviors.



As a comprehensive dataset of historic election results, primarily at the precinct level, ElectionBase offers context for understanding voting patterns and trends. This tool provides detailed breakdowns of past election results, allowing campaigns to identify swing precincts, analyze the effectiveness of past strategies, and predict future voting behavior based on historical trends. ElectionBase's analytics can identify shifts in voting patterns over time, enabling campaigns to detect and respond to emerging trends. The tool's precinct-level detail is particularly valuable for local and state-level campaigns, allowing for fine-tuned strategies down to the neighborhood level.

Data Processing and Voter Targeting Strategies

TargetSmart's data processing capabilities employ artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyze voter data efficiently. The company utilizes advanced data processing platforms that can handle the immense volume and complexity of voter information. These systems use parallel processing techniques and distributed computing architectures to manage and analyze data at scale, allowing for real-time updates and analysis that can inform campaign strategies quickly.

The company's approach to voter targeting uses machine learning algorithms to analyze patterns in voter behavior, preferences, and past electoral outcomes. By processing vast amounts of historical and real-time data, these systems can predict voter behavior with considerable accuracy, allowing campaigns to tailor their outreach efforts for maximum impact. TargetSmart's predictive models assign scores for various factors, including likelihood to support specific policies, responsiveness to different types of messaging, and probability of changing political affiliation. This predictive capability enables campaigns to craft personalized outreach strategies that can influence voter behavior over time.

Integration With Broader Tech Ecosystem

TargetSmart's influence extends beyond its proprietary systems through integrations with the broader technology ecosystem. The company has established connections with leading Demand-Side Platforms (DSPs) and social media platforms, enabling integration of voter data with digital advertising and social media outreach efforts. This interoperability allows Democrats to create a cohesive technology stack, with TargetSmart's data and analytics capabilities serving as the foundation for a range of campaign activities.


The company's API integrations enable real-time data exchange, allowing campaigns to build custom applications that leverage TargetSmart's data resources. These integrations extend to campaign management software, email marketing platforms, and canvassing apps, creating a network of data collection and dissemination that permeates various aspects of modern campaigning.

The sophistication of TargetSmart's technology and data practices underscores the impact of big data and advanced analytics on modern political campaigning. As these technologies continue to evolve, their influence on election processes and voter engagement will likely grow, raising questions about the future of political discourse and the nature of electoral competition in the digital age.

Battleground Advantage Through Data Exploitation

TargetSmart's influence on modern political campaigns, particularly within Democrat and left-wing spheres, has been profound and far-reaching. The company's contributions have fundamentally reshaped campaign strategies and played a pivotal role in recent electoral outcomes.

Impact on Recent Elections

2020 Presidential Election

The 2020 presidential election served as a testament to TargetSmart's influence on modern political campaigning. The company's data and analytics played a crucial role in identifying and mobilizing key voter segments, contributing significantly to Democrat victories in crucial battleground states. TargetSmart's data-driven strategies were instrumental in driving high ballot “turnout” and successful “voter” engagement efforts that characterized this historic election cycle.

TargetSmart's analysis revealed a striking 47% increase in ballots cast by Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) voters compared to the 2016 presidential election. This insight led to more focused outreach efforts to AAPI communities, particularly in key battleground states. By identifying this trend and providing the tools to act on it, TargetSmart enabled Democrat campaigns to tap into a growing and increasingly influential voter bloc.

2022 Midterm Elections

In the 2022 midterm elections, TargetSmart's impact was equally significant. Their data and tools helped Democrats defy historical trends, reversing the typical pattern of the President's party losing seats in the House and Senate. TargetSmart's analysis and voter targeting strategies were key factors in thwarting the predicted "red wave" and securing critical seats for the Democrat Party. This achievement underscores the company's ability to adapt its strategies to changing political landscapes and deliver results in diverse electoral contexts.


Evolution of Democrat Data Infrastructure

At the core of TargetSmart's historical significance is its crucial role in developing and maintaining voter data files for the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and state Democrat parties. The company's expertise in cleaning, augmenting, and updating voter registration data has ensured that Democrat campaigns have access to accurate and comprehensive voter information. This data management prowess has been instrumental in enabling effective voter-contact programs and precise targeting strategies.

TargetSmart's flagship product, VoterBase, has become an integral component of Democrat campaign strategies. By providing detailed voter information, TargetSmart empowers campaigns to build targeted voter lists, operate sophisticated digital advertising campaigns, and conduct highly precise voter outreach. Major Democrat entities, including the DNC, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), and various left-wing PACs, have leveraged TargetSmart's services to enhance their electoral effectiveness.

Strategic Partnerships and Innovation

TargetSmart's historical impact extends beyond its core data services, encompassing strategic partnerships that have further enhanced its capabilities. The company's collaboration with Comscore has revolutionized media planning and evaluation for political campaigns. By integrating Comscore's granular media data with TargetSmart's voter information, campaigns can now execute more precise targeting and optimized media strategies, crucial elements in modern political advertising.

Additionally, TargetSmart's partnership with New River Strategies and its Bluebell software product has expanded the company's data capabilities. This collaboration enables clients to maximize first-party data, enhancing their ability to engage and activate voters through personalized outreach. These partnerships demonstrate TargetSmart's commitment to innovation and its ability to stay at the forefront of political technology.

Shaping the Future of Political Campaigning

TargetSmart's historical significance lies not just in its past achievements but in how it has reshaped the very nature of political campaigning. By demonstrating the power of data-driven approaches, TargetSmart has ushered in a new era of political strategy where mastery of technology and data analytics is not just an advantage but a necessity for electoral success.


The company's influence extends beyond individual campaigns to shape the broader Democrat political ecosystem. By providing data and analytics services to a network of aligned non-profits and advocacy groups, TargetSmart has helped create a more cohesive and coordinated “progressive” movement. This data-sharing across various organizations allows for a more unified approach to voter outreach and issue advocacy.

Future Outlook

Looking ahead, TargetSmart is poised to introduce a suite of new tools and models that could further revolutionize political campaigning. Among these innovations are TargetSmart Ethnicity+, VISTA Partisan Score, and an Enhanced CellBase. These developments signify the company's commitment to pushing the boundaries of data-driven political strategy.

TargetSmart Ethnicity+ aims to provide more nuanced insights into voter demographics, potentially allowing for even more precise targeting of diverse communities. The VISTA Partisan Score likely represents an advanced metric for gauging voter partisanship, which could enable campaigns to fine-tune their outreach efforts with unprecedented accuracy. Meanwhile, the Enhanced CellBase suggests improvements in mobile contact data, a crucial asset in an era where mobile communication dominates political outreach.

As TargetSmart continues to evolve and expand its influence, it will play a crucial role in shaping the future of political campaigning. While the company's innovations promise to make campaigns more efficient and effective, they also underscore the need for ongoing dialogue about the appropriate use of data in politics and the preservation of a healthy process.

Imperative for Technological Parity

TargetSmart's dominance in political data infrastructure represents a paradigm shift in modern campaigning. Its sophisticated data-driven approach has fundamentally reshaped Democrat strategies, providing unprecedented capabilities in voter targeting and mobilization. While TargetSmart's tools have contributed to significant electoral successes, they also raise important questions about data privacy, ethical campaigning, and the nature of engagement in the digital age. 

As political technology continues to evolve, the influence of companies like TargetSmart on electoral outcomes will likely grow. This trend underscores the urgent need for a robust discussion on the role of data in politics and the safeguards necessary to preserve the integrity of election processes in an increasingly data-driven world.


Sinistra Delenda Est!

The VICI Report and Project VICI are projects of UpHold America, led by Paul Porter (X:@PaulPorterPVB) and Jason Belich (X:@BelichJason). 

The VICI Report series is a culmination of many months of sleepless nights; the product of exhaustive research and analysis into the technologies used in politics by a Democrat adversary excessively skilled at manipulating political outcomes. Your support is critical to the success of this mission. Please visit our website, support our GiveSendGo, or join our Substack to contribute.


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