Know Your Enemy's Tech: NGP VAN

Damian Dovarganes

This profile is part of the VICI Report, a comprehensive multi-part series exploring the sophisticated use of technology in political operations.  This series aims to uncover the processes, mechanisms, tools, and technologies used by Democrats to master our political processes and to develop strategies that answer and ultimately defeat their manipulations in 2024 and beyond.


Introduction: The Technological Backbone of Democrat Campaigns

Almost from its beginning, NGP VAN has been the cornerstone of Democrat campaign technology, wielding unparalleled behind-the-scenes influence over modern political strategies and electoral outcomes. As the leading provider of software solutions for Democrat and progressive campaigns, NGP VAN has fundamentally transformed political operations, leveraging cutting-edge technology to shape the landscape of American politics.

Founded in 2001 as Voter Activation Network, Inc., and later merging with NGP Software in 2011, NGP VAN has evolved into the central data warehouse and technological nerve center for the Democrat Party. Its comprehensive suite of tools, including the Voter Activation Network (VAN), National Fundraising Platform (NGP), and mobile canvassing app MiniVAN, form an integrated ecosystem that powers nearly every major Democrat campaign in America.

The company's impact on political campaigning cannot be overstated. Since the late 2000s, NGP VAN has been instrumental in building and maintaining the Democrats' data and technological dominance. Its centralized voter database and sophisticated analytics capabilities have enabled unprecedented levels of voter targeting, outreach, and mobilization. This technological edge has been a crucial factor in numerous Democrat victories, including Barack Obama's groundbreaking campaigns in 2008 and 2012.

NGP VAN's role extends far beyond mere campaign management software. It serves as the foundational infrastructure upon which modern Democrat campaign strategies are built. The company's tools have been pivotal in the development and implementation of sophisticated ballot harvesting operations, significantly altering the dynamics of voter turnout and election outcomes.

However, NGP VAN's dominance is not without controversy. The company has faced scrutiny over data security, market monopoly concerns, and the ethical implications of its data-driven approach to voter targeting. These issues, particularly relevant to the conservative community, raise important questions about the nature of democracy in the digital age and the potential for technological manipulation of the electoral process.

As we delve into the inner workings of NGP VAN, we will explore its core products, technological capabilities, historical significance, and the controversies surrounding its operations. This analysis aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how NGP VAN has become an indispensable force in Democrat politics and its implications for the future of American democracy.

Products and Technology

NGP VAN's suite of products and technological capabilities form the backbone of modern Democrat campaigning, offering an integrated ecosystem that revolutionizes political operations. At the core of this ecosystem is the company's role as the central "data warehouse for everybody" within the Democrat technology infrastructure.

Core Products

VAN (Voter Activation Network)

The cornerstone of NGP VAN's offerings, VAN serves as a centralized voter database and campaign management system. It integrates seamlessly with Democrat Party data at national and state levels, providing campaigns with detailed voter history and demographic information. The system's customization options, known as SmartVAN, allow campaigns to create highly targeted voter lists and universes, forming the foundation of strategic voter engagement.


NGP (National Fundraising Platform)

NGP is a comprehensive fundraising and compliance reporting tool that streamlines donor management and financial reporting. It integrates with ActBlue for seamless contribution processing and includes tools for managing and optimizing call-time operations.


This mobile canvassing application has transformed door-to-door campaigning. MiniVAN provides real-time data collection and voter outreach capabilities, allowing canvassers to access and update voter information on the go. Its offline functionality and integration with the main VAN database ensure continuous operation and instant data updates.

Digital 8

Digital 8 is NGP VAN's comprehensive digital marketing platform. It integrates email marketing, social media management, and digital advertising tools, providing campaigns with a unified approach to online outreach. The platform's integration with Facebook Ads Manager enables highly targeted advertising campaigns.

The Mobilize platform handles volunteer coordination and event management, supporting both in-person and virtual events. It provides features for volunteer shift management and communication, integrating seamlessly with other NGP VAN tools.

Critical Components and Technologies

Integration API

NGP VAN's Innovation Platform provides API and integration services, enabling third-party developers to create apps and services that integrate with NGP VAN's ecosystem. This open approach has fostered the development of additional tools, expanding the capabilities available to Democrat campaigns.

Data Management and Analytics

At the heart of NGP VAN's technology is its sophisticated data management and analytics capabilities. The company's approach to data collection is extensive, drawing from various sources to create detailed voter profiles. This includes voter registration records, voting history, demographic information, survey responses, and, where available, social media and online behavior data.

Machine Learning and Predictive Modeling

NGP VAN leverages advanced machine learning algorithms for predictive modeling, enabling behavioral analysis to identify persuadable voters. These techniques allow for the creation of lookalike models to expand the supporter base and develop highly targeted voter universes for persuasion and mobilization efforts.

Real-Time Data Synchronization

The company's technology enables real-time data synchronization across platforms, ensuring that campaigns have access to the most up-to-date information at all times. This capability is crucial for rapid response to changing political landscapes and effective resource allocation.

Technological Significance

NGP VAN's technological infrastructure serves as more than just a set of campaign tools; it represents a fundamental shift in how political campaigns operate. By centralizing vast amounts of voter data and providing sophisticated analytics capabilities, NGP VAN has enabled a level of voter targeting and engagement previously unattainable in political campaigning.

The company's role as the central data warehouse for the Democrat Party has far-reaching implications. It allows for unprecedented data sharing and standardization within the Democrat ecosystem, ensuring that campaigns can leverage collective knowledge and resources effectively. This centralization has been crucial in establishing and maintaining the Democrats' technological edge since the late 2000s.


Furthermore, NGP VAN's technology has been instrumental in the development and implementation of sophisticated ballot-harvesting operations. By providing granular voter data and advanced targeting capabilities, the company's tools have significantly altered the dynamics of voter turnout and election outcomes.

The integration of commercial marketing techniques into political campaigning, facilitated by NGP VAN's digital tools, represents another significant technological advancement. This approach has allowed Democrat campaigns to engage with voters across multiple platforms with unprecedented precision and efficiency.

In essence, NGP VAN's products and technology have not only modernized Democrat campaigning but have fundamentally reshaped the political landscape. As campaigns become increasingly data-driven, the company's role in determining electoral outcomes is likely to grow even more significant.

Strategy and Importance

NGP VAN's impact on modern political campaigning extends far beyond mere technological support. Since its emergence in the early 2000s, the company has fundamentally reshaped political strategy for Democrat campaigns, providing a significant advantage in voter outreach, fundraising, and resource allocation. This transformation marks a pivotal moment in the technological capabilities of the Democrat Party, playing a crucial role in closing the technology gap that had existed between Democrats and Republicans and ushering in an era of data-driven campaigning for the left.

Revolutionizing Voter Targeting and Outreach

At the heart of NGP VAN's strategic impact are its sophisticated voter targeting capabilities. The company's tools enable campaigns to segment voters into persuasion and mobilization universes, a critical distinction in modern campaigning. This approach allows for the precise identification of swing voters who may be persuadable, as well as likely supporters who need motivation to turn out. By leveraging predictive modeling, NGP VAN helps campaigns optimize their targeting, ensuring that resources are directed where they can have the most significant impact.

The implementation of data-driven decision-making in voter outreach has been transformative. NGP VAN's platforms enable campaigns to tailor messages based on voter profiles and preferences, dramatically increasing the effectiveness of communication efforts. The company's tools also allow for the optimization of contact methods, whether door-to-door, phone, or digital, based on detailed voter data. Perhaps most importantly, NGP VAN's real-time data capabilities enable campaigns to adjust their strategies on the fly, responding to feedback and changing conditions with unprecedented agility.

Digital Dominance and Fundraising Innovation

In the digital realm, NGP VAN has been instrumental in helping campaigns develop a comprehensive online presence. The company's Digital 8 platform facilitates coordinated messaging across email, social media, and web platforms, ensuring a consistent and impactful digital strategy. Integration with social media and digital advertising platforms enables highly targeted advertising efforts, allowing for retargeting campaigns based on website visits and engagement.


The impact of NGP VAN on political fundraising has been equally substantial. The company's use of Donor Target Scores and AI-assisted tools has revolutionized political fundraising. These technologies employ predictive modeling to identify high-potential donors and determine personalized donation ask amounts based on giving history. This data-driven approach to fundraising has significantly increased the efficiency and effectiveness of campaign finance operations.

Historical Significance and Electoral Impact

The historical significance of NGP VAN is perhaps best exemplified by its role in the Obama campaigns of 2008 and 2012. These campaigns pioneered the use of data-driven campaigning, demonstrating the power of integrated campaign technology in achieving electoral success. The widespread adoption of NGP VAN across Democrat campaigns that followed has made it the standard toolset for Democrat candidates, enabling data sharing and best practices across campaigns.

One of the most significant impacts of NGP VAN's technology has been its role in enabling sophisticated ballot harvesting operations. By providing granular voter data and advanced targeting capabilities, NGP VAN's tools have significantly altered the dynamics of voter turnout and election outcomes. This capability has become a crucial factor in Democrat electoral strategies, particularly in close races and in states with more permissive voting laws.

The impact of NGP VAN's tools and strategies has been measurable and significant in recent elections. In the 2022 Midterm Elections, 100 percent of winning Democrat senators and governors used NGP VAN's software. The company's tools helped flip three governorships and one Senate seat, while also powering 14 successful statewide ballot initiatives. NGP VAN facilitated 169 million door knocks during the 2022 midterms, with 90 percent logged through the MiniVAN app. In the 2023 Special Elections, the company's platforms tracked over $3.5 billion raised for campaigns and organizations, powered more than 324 million contact attempts, and facilitated 1.6 million volunteer signups across nearly 36,000 events.

Long-Term Implications for American Politics

The long-term impact of NGP VAN on Democrat campaigning cannot be overstated. By driving the standardization of data practices, facilitating a shift towards data-driven decision-making, and significantly increasing the efficiency of voter outreach and fundraising efforts, NGP VAN has fundamentally altered the landscape of American politics. Moreover, NGP VAN's dominance has influenced Republican technology development, spurring GOP efforts to develop competing systems. This has created a technology gap between parties, with Democrats often enjoying a significant advantage in data-driven campaigning.

As political campaigns become increasingly reliant on data and technology, NGP VAN's role in shaping political strategy and outcomes is likely to grow even more significant. The company's continued innovation in areas such as payment processing, donor management, and volunteer coordination positions it to remain at the forefront of political technology for years to come, ensuring its continued influence on the evolving landscape of American democracy.


Controversies, Challenges, and Outlook

Despite its dominant position in Democrat campaign technology, NGP VAN has faced significant controversies and challenges that have raised questions about data security, market dominance, and ethical practices in political technology. These issues, particularly relevant to the conservative community, highlight the complex landscape in which NGP VAN operates and its broader implications for American democracy.

The 2015 Data Breach

One of the most notable controversies surrounding NGP VAN occurred in 2015 with a high-profile data breach. During this incident, a Sanders campaign staffer improperly accessed Clinton campaign data through the NGP VAN system. The breach exposed vulnerabilities in NGP VAN's data partitioning practices and sparked a heated debate about the security of sensitive campaign information.

In response, the Democrat National Committee temporarily suspended the Sanders campaign's access to the voter file, a move that was met with significant backlash and debates over the severity of the punishment. This incident highlighted the delicate balance between data sharing and data security in a system used by competing campaigns within the same party.

The data breach controversy also raised broader questions about the fairness of the primary process and the role of shared technology platforms in intra-party competitions. It underscored the need for robust security measures and clear protocols for handling data access issues in political campaigns.

Monopoly Concerns and Technological Dependence

NGP VAN's near-monopoly status within the Democrat Party's technological infrastructure has raised concerns about potential vulnerabilities and the risks associated with centralized data management. Critics argue that this dependence could leave the party exposed in the event of system-wide failures or breaches. Furthermore, the lack of technological diversity within the party has sparked debates about the need for alternative solutions and the potential for innovation in political technology.

The company's acquisition by Apax Partners, a London-based (i.e., FOREIGN) private equity firm, in 2021 introduced new challenges and controversies. The acquisition was followed by significant layoffs and organizational changes, raising concerns about the potential loss of institutional knowledge and the impact on service quality. These changes have led to debates within the political technology community about NGP VAN's long-term strategic direction and whether the prioritization of profit might come at the expense of its mission to serve Democrat campaigns.

Future Outlook: Innovation and Adaptation

Looking ahead, NGP VAN is poised to continue its significant role in shaping Democrat campaign strategies. The company's focus on integrating emerging technologies such as advanced AI and potentially blockchain could open new frontiers in political campaigning. The anticipated launch of NGP VAN Payments in June 2024 aims to revolutionize political fundraising by reducing processing fees and streamlining donation management.


However, NGP VAN will need to navigate the evolving regulatory landscape, particularly regarding data privacy and campaign finance laws. The company will also need to address ongoing concerns about technological monopoly within the Democrat Party and potential vulnerabilities associated with centralized systems.

As political campaigns become increasingly data-driven and technologically sophisticated, NGP VAN's ability to innovate, adapt, and address these challenges will be crucial in maintaining its position as a leader in political technology. The company's trajectory will not only shape the fortunes of the Democrat Party but also influence the broader evolution of political technology and political processes in the United States.


NGP VAN stands as a testament to the transformative power of technology in modern political campaigning. From its inception in the early 2000s to its current position of dominance, the company has fundamentally reshaped the landscape of Democrat politics, setting new standards for data-driven campaigning and voter engagement.

As the central pillar of the Democrat Party's technological infrastructure, NGP VAN has played a pivotal role in establishing and maintaining the Democrats' data and tech dominance since the late 2000s. Its comprehensive suite of tools, from the Voter Activation Network to sophisticated digital marketing platforms, has standardized data practices within the party and facilitated a shift towards evidence-based campaigning that has proven highly effective in recent elections.

The impact of NGP VAN extends far beyond mere technological support. By enabling unprecedented levels of voter targeting, personalized outreach, and real-time strategy adaptation, the company has elevated the strategic capabilities of Democrat campaigns at all levels. Perhaps most significantly, NGP VAN's tools have been instrumental in the development and implementation of sophisticated ballot harvesting operations, altering the dynamics of voter turnout and election outcomes in ways that have profound implications for the American electoral process.

However, NGP VAN's dominance is not without controversy. The company has faced significant challenges, including data security breaches, concerns about market monopoly, and ethical questions surrounding its data practices. These issues, particularly relevant to the conservative community, raise important questions about the nature of democracy in the digital age and the potential for technological manipulation of the electoral process.

As political campaigns become increasingly data-driven and technologically sophisticated, NGP VAN's role in shaping electoral outcomes is likely to grow even more significant. The company's continued innovation in areas such as payment processing, donor management, and voter targeting positions it to remain at the forefront of political technology for years to come.

For conservatives and Republicans, understanding NGP VAN's capabilities and impact is crucial. The technological gap between the parties, largely facilitated by NGP VAN's dominance, presents a significant challenge that must be addressed to ensure fair and balanced political competition. As the political landscape continues to evolve, the development of comparable technologies and strategies will be essential for leveling the playing field.


Ultimately, NGP VAN's story is one of technological mastery enabling political dominance. It serves as a stark reminder of the power of data and technology in modern politics and underscores the need for vigilance in preserving the integrity of our election processes. As we look to the future, the impact of companies like NGP VAN will undoubtedly continue to shape the course of American democracy, making it imperative for all politically engaged citizens to remain informed and actively involved in the ongoing dialogue about the role of technology in our elections.

Sinistra Delenda Est!

The VICI Report and Project VICI are projects of UpHold America, led by Paul Porter (X:@PaulPorterPVB) and Jason Belich (X:@BelichJason). 

The VICI Report series is a culmination of many months of sleepless nights; the product of exhaustive research and analysis into the technologies used in politics by a Democrat adversary excessively skilled at manipulating political outcomes. Your support is critical to the success of this mission. Please visit our website, support our GiveSendGo, or join our Substack to contribute.


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