Political Machines: Engineered Praxeonomy

AP Photo/Carlos Osorio

This article is the seventh installment of the VICI Report, a comprehensive multi-part series exploring the sophisticated use of technology in political operations.  This series aims to uncover the processes, mechanisms, tools, and technologies used by Democrats to master our political processes and to develop strategies which answer and ultimately defeat their manipulations in 2024 and beyond.


Read the previous article in this series, The Long March Pays Off which explores how neo-communist extremists successfully undermined the Tech Industry and led to the current environment of Corporate Activism, or start from the beginning of our series.

What Is a Political Machine?

Political machines are often depicted as entities dominated by powerful bosses who wield considerable influence over their followers. Merriam-Webster defines a political machine as "a highly organized political group under the leadership of a boss or small group of individuals." Encyclopedia Britannica similarly describes it as "a party organization, headed by a single boss or small autocratic group, that commands enough votes to maintain political and administrative control of a city, county, or state." 

These definitions conjure images of 19th-century figures like New York's Tammany Hall, notorious for its patronage and control. However, these traditional definitions are outdated and fail to capture the true essence of modern political machines, especially as employed by the Democrat Party, by focusing on the dominance of bosses who control political expression within a community. This focus on "bossism" is rooted in historical practices from the 19th century, making it anachronistic. 

The reality of contemporary political machines is far more complex and systematic. Modern political machines, particularly those run by Democrats, are not merely about the autocratic control of a single leader but involve structured organizations designed to marshal votes and secure electoral victories through systematic operations and on-the-ground execution. These machines serve to create, maintain, and leverage power within political systems by mastering the various processes, components, and mechanisms.

Political Machine As a Machine

A political machine can be thought of as a concert of several essential components, each playing a critical role in its operation. Key elements include voter databases, campaign strategies, and logistical support systems. Historically, political machines like Tammany Hall relied on meticulous organization and patronage to maintain power. They managed a hierarchy of neighborhood and community stewards, orchestrated massive campaign efforts, and provided essential services in exchange for political support.

In the modern context, these components have evolved significantly. Today, effective political machines utilize advanced data analytics to manage voter databases, employing sophisticated algorithms to target specific demographics and predict individual voter behavior. Campaign strategies have also transformed, incorporating digital marketing, social media outreach, and micro-targeting techniques to influence voters. 


Logistical support systems now include highly coordinated efforts to manage volunteers, ensure voter turnout, and handle the complexities of modern elections. Democrats have mastered these elements, giving them a significant advantage over the GOP, which lags in these areas.

Political Machines: Historical and Modern

Tammany Hall serves as a classic example of a historical political machine. Operating in New York City, it was known for its extensive patronage system and ability to mobilize a vast network of supporters for Democrats. Chicago's gangland politics also exemplify the influence of political machines, where organized crime and politics often intertwined to control the city's political landscape. The Philadelphia Democrat Party's practice of "street money" – distributing cash to ward leaders to get out the vote – continues today, illustrating the enduring tactics of political machines.

In contemporary politics, the 2020 election provides several examples of modern political machine operations. The Time Magazine article boasting “fortification” of the election discusses a coordinated effort by a wide Democrat coalition to influence the election outcome, demonstrating systematic planning and execution. 

Additionally, the famous “F-Curve” phenomenon, as explained by Professor David K. Clements, describes suspicious voting patterns observed during the 2020 election night, suggesting coordinated manipulation. The 2022 Arizona elections, where ballot misprints and machine errors, occurring almost exclusively in Republican areas, also raised concerns about the integrity of the process, further emphasizing the continued relevance of political process and operational mechanisms in shaping electoral outcomes.

Democrats have shown a clear mastery of these modern political techniques, while Republicans must catch up to compete effectively.

Why Do Process and Mechanics Matter?

Anything that comes about as the end result of a series of steps or actions can be referred to as a deterministic result. This is as true for actions in life and culture, such as political processes, as for machinery and tradesmanship.  Political processes involve a complex interplay of mechanisms, where each action contributes to moving from one stage to another, similar to steps in a manufacturing line. Recognizing and mastering these processes is essential for achieving political goals, as skipping foundational knowledge can lead to strategic failures and missed opportunities.


Interplay of Mechanisms

Political processes consist of a series of interrelated mechanisms, each playing a vital role in advancing from one stage to the next. Much like a manufacturing line, where each step is critical to the final product, political operations depend on the seamless interaction of various components. Campaign strategies, voter outreach, data management, and logistical support are all interconnected, each mechanism supporting the others to drive a successful outcome. 

Understanding this interplay is fundamental for anyone involved in political strategy, as it allows for precise and coordinated actions that maximize efficiency and impact. Democrats excel in this area, often outmaneuvering Republicans who fail to recognize the importance of these interconnected processes.

Foundation of Mastery

Mastery in politics begins with a thorough understanding of operations at a granular level. It is not enough to have a broad overview; the intricate details of each process must be understood and managed effectively. Skipping this foundational knowledge can result in missteps and missed opportunities, as strategic failures often arise from a lack of detailed understanding. 

Mastering these foundational elements ensures that political actors can navigate complex situations, make informed decisions, and execute plans with precision. This deep understanding forms the bedrock upon which successful political strategies are built. The Democrats’ ability to master these processes, historically through today, gives them a significant advantage.

Demystifying Complex Processes

The complexity of political operations can be daunting, but it is essential to demystify these processes to manage them effectively. The analogy of Rube Goldberg machines, which perform simple tasks through overly complex sequences, can illustrate this point. While these machines are comical in their complexity, they highlight the importance of understanding each component's role in a process. 

By breaking down complex political operations into understandable parts, it becomes easier to see how each element contributes to the whole. This approach helps demystify the process, making it more manageable and less intimidating. Democrats have perfected this approach, while Republicans often struggle with the complexity.

Strategic Insight

A deep understanding of political processes provides significant strategic insight. Knowing the intricacies of these processes allows political actors to anticipate and counteract opponents' moves. This strategic advantage aligns with the principles of Sun Tzu, who emphasized the importance of knowing oneself and one's enemy to succeed. In the political arena, this means comprehending not only the mechanics of one's operations but also those of the opposition. 


By mastering these processes, political strategists can devise effective countermeasures, exploit weaknesses, and maintain a competitive edge. This thorough understanding transforms potential vulnerabilities into strengths, ensuring robust and adaptable political strategies. Democrats leverage this strategic insight effectively, whereas Republicans need to build this understanding to compete on equal footing.

Introducing Praxeonomy

Praxeonomy is a term that encapsulates the systematic study of practical activities and processes, especially within political contexts. Related to the concept from Austrian Economics, praxeology, this term provides a structured framework for analyzing, understanding, and improving political operations through detailed examination and iterative refinement. This concept is essential for those aiming to master the intricate mechanics of political systems, offering insights into both the "how" and "why" of political strategies and actions.

In political processes, praxeonomy involves breaking down operations into their fundamental components, examining each element's role, and refining these processes to enhance efficiency and effectiveness. By applying praxeonomy, political strategists can develop a deeper understanding of the mechanisms that drive success and failure in political campaigns and governance. This systematic approach enables the continuous improvement and adaptation of political tactics, ensuring they remain effective in changing environments. Democrats have effectively adopted praxeonomy, giving them an edge in political strategy.

Where this intersects with technology is particularly significant in modern political operations. Utilizing data analytics, automation, and other technological tools, a praxeonomic understanding helps optimize and streamline political processes. For developers of technological tools, like systems architects and coders, praxeonomics provides a clear structure and definition, facilitating the development of sophisticated software and systems that support political campaigns and administrative functions. 

These technological advancements allow for more precise targeting, efficient resource allocation, and real-time adjustments, enhancing the overall effectiveness of political operations. Democrats' adept use of technology contrasts with the GOP's lagging adaptation, underscoring the need for Republicans to invest in technological innovation.


Framework for Success

Praxeonomy offers a robust framework for understanding success and failure within political contexts. By systematically analyzing past outcomes, political actors can identify the factors that contribute to success or lead to failure. This structured approach not only aids in learning from previous experiences but also in applying these lessons to future endeavors. Continuous improvement is a core principle of praxeonomy, ensuring that political tactics and strategies evolve in response to new challenges and opportunities. This iterative process of refinement and adaptation is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge in the dynamic field of politics. 

Understanding the process of both the "how" and "why" behind political actions provides a comprehensive view of the opposition's motives and methods. This holistic perspective is vital for developing counter-strategies and anticipating future moves. As Sun Tzu emphasized, knowing both oneself and one's enemy is essential for success. Praxeonomy equips political actors with the tools to achieve this deep understanding, transforming complex political systems into manageable and predictable operational tools. 

Understanding Success As Praxis

Praxis, the root concept for praxeonomy, is the practical application of disciplined knowledge. It is inherently linked to success and mastery, particularly in the realm of political mechanics. Political actors must understand the processes and mechanisms of politics praxeonomically to comprehend how these can be used, misused, manipulated, or even broken for various successful ends. 

The degree of success, when achieved in political operations, is not accidental, nor result of a one-off conspiracy, but a consequence of the efficient and effective execution of well-defined and well-understood processes.  Democrats have long mastered these political mechanics, having built and operated political machines since at least 1860. This includes our most recent elections, where they have translated this mastery into technological tools, enabling them to duplicate their success at scale through simple instructions on phone apps.

The extensive development and adoption of these technological tools by Democrats and their fellow travelers indicates concretely that they understand achieving political goals is an inherently mechanistic endeavor.  Far beyond throwing ads on television, each step of political operations, from voter outreach to ballot collection, must be meticulously planned and executed to yield desired outcomes. 


This mechanistic approach ensures predictable replication of success by adhering to effective protocols, demonstrating that victory is about executing the right actions consistently. It highlights that success is not merely about having a large war-chest of donor funds but about executing the right actions consistently and efficiently. Democrats have excelled in this systematic approach, leveraging their historical mastery of political machines to dominate the political landscape.

Mastery and Manipulation

Mastery in politics is crucial for navigating complex landscapes and achieving consistent success. It reduces uncertainty and increases the likelihood of achieving desired outcomes. Experienced political actors who understand the intricacies of these processes can adapt and excel. Democrats have refined their strategies since before 2008, mastering political processes to maintain their dominance by integrating Big Tech into their toolkit. 

This mastery includes sophisticated use of the Social Graph and individualized ballot tracking, enabling them to influence voter turnout and manipulate election results effectively, far beyond traditional methods. Understanding these tactics is essential for Republicans to develop counter-strategies and defend against manipulation. By studying these methods, the GOP can enhance their strategic depth, ensuring fairer processes and improving their competitive edge.


The exploration of political mechanics reveals the intricate and systematic nature of political operations. Understanding political machines involves recognizing their structured organization and strategic planning. The importance of process and mechanics highlights the necessity of mastering each component to achieve political goals. Praxeonomy provides a comprehensive framework for analyzing and improving these operations, integrating technology and complex systems theory to enhance effectiveness. 

Finally, success as praxis underscores the mechanistic nature of achieving political goals and the importance of mastering processes. Together, these elements form a cohesive understanding of how political success is systematically achieved and sustained. Democrats have demonstrated their proficiency in these areas, setting a high bar for Republicans to meet and surpass. To remain competitive, the GOP must learn from these examples, embracing technological innovations and strategic mastery to enhance their operational capabilities and ensure sustained success in the political arena.


Sinistra Delenda Est!

In the next installment of the VICI Report series, we explore how understanding political processes as complex systems gives Democrats a major “level-up” in the technology game.

The VICI Report and Project VICI are projects of UpHold America, led by Paul Porter (X:@PaulPorterPVB) and Jason Belich (X:@BelichJason). 

The VICI Report series is a culmination of many months of sleepless nights; the product of exhaustive research and analysis into the technologies used in politics by a Democrat adversary excessively skilled at manipulating political outcomes. Your support is critical to the success of this mission. Please visit our website, support our GiveSendGo, or join our Substack to contribute.


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