Of course, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that Rick Perry is not going to take this revenge indictment by Rosemary Lehmberg lightly. I mean, who on Earth would have the temerity to suggest that a prosecutor arrested for a DWI should step down from her office*?
Shortly after the news of the indictment broke, Governor Perry’s General Counsel Mary Anne Wiley released this statement:
“The veto in question was made in accordance with the veto authority afforded to every governor under the Texas Constitution. We will continue to aggressively defend the governor’s lawful and constitutional action, and believe we will ultimately prevail.”
But Perry did not stop there. His counsel David Botsford has gone even further in his condemnation of these entirely bogus political charges.** Per Business Insider:
“I am outraged and appalled that the Grand Jury has taken this action, given the governor’s constitutional right and duty to veto funding as he deems appropriate. This clearly represents political abuse of the court system and there is no legal basis in this decision. The facts of this case conclude that the governor’s veto was lawful, appropriate and well within the authority of the office of the governor. Today’s action, which violates the separation of powers outlined in the Texas Constitution, is nothing more than an effort to weaken the constitutional authority granted to the office of Texas governor, and sets a dangerous precedent by allowing a grand jury to punish the exercise of a lawful and constitutional authority afforded to the Texas governor,” Botsford said.
So, just because I can, I’m going to conclude this piece by linking to the video of Lehmberg’s arrest:
Now you tell me, is this the kind of person you’d want as your county DA?
*=Especially when that office includes the Office of Public Integrity.
**=For a tweetable version of Botsford’s statement, you can go to this tweet from Colin Campbell, to whom I give a H/T for finding the statement.
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