Mike Flynn For Congress

[mc_name name=’Rep. Aaron Schock (R-IL)’ chamber=’house’ mcid=’S001179′ ]’s Peoria, IL based congressional district is vacant after his resignation. Darin LaHood, who is the son of President Obama’s former transportation secretary, is seeking Schock’s seat as a Republican. He’s received money already from the left-wing Republican Main Street Parternship.


There is currently no alternative to LaHood, but I believe that before the sun sets today we may get confirmation that my friend Mike Flynn is running. John Fund wrote about Flynn the other day.

If Mike Flynn gets into this race, as I believe he will, conservatives need to rally for him immediately. There should not be and cannot be any conservative sitting on the fence if Mike Flynn gets in this race.

Flynn is a conservative champion. He was a friend of Andrew Breitbart’s who helped Andrew street the Breitbart ship. He helped take down ACORN. Behind the scenes, Flynn has played a role helping conservatives beat both Democrats and leftwing backed RINOs.

I’m pleased to call Mike Flynn a friend and have no hesitation at all in endorsing him, whether he is officially in or not. Conservatives, this is a candidate to rally behind.


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