Honoring Wendy Davis and the Campaign of Awesome

Wendy Davis, the Democrats’ gubernatorial nominee in Texas, will lose today.

I had the honor of coining the phrase “Abortion Barbie” to define her campaign. Sabo, the artist, then did a giant Abortion Barbie poster to celebrate Davis’s trip to California for a fundraiser. He sent me an original of the poster.


To honor both Sabo’s gift and Wendy Davis’s campaign that provided months of comedy gold for Americans, I thought we should all have the cathartic experience of ending Wendy Davis’s political career in the only appropriate way. And we know, from her career, she’d stand all night to defend us doing it.

Thank you Wendy for being such an awesome spectacular campaign disaster. Today, voters too will abort your career in celebration of all you’ve done. Good luck with your MSNBC show.


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