More Than One Conflict Between Wendy Davis's Sworn Testimony and Her Actual Life

BuzzFeed noted that Wendy Davis’ real biography conflicts with a statement she made under oath in a federal court case in 2012. Davis claimed, under oath, in federal court that she obtained a divorce when she was 19. In fact, according to the Dallas Morning News, Davis was 21.


But upon review of the federal court transcript of the bench trial dated January 20, 2012, and comparing it with the Dallas Morning News Dallas Morning News article, Wendy Davis’ sworn testimony in federal court conflicts much more significantly with the truth than just that one statement. In fact, the numerous conflicts suggest Davis played loose with the facts even though she was giving testimony in federal court.

A friend of hers told the Dallas Morning News that Wendy Davis was “not going to let family or raising children or anything else get in her way.” The truth, likewise, is one of those things not getting in Wendy Davis’s way.

Davis gave testimony in the Texas redistricting case State of Texas v. United States of America and Eric Holder. The case involved Davis, as one of the people harmed by redistricting, claiming a negative impact on women, minorities, and others due to Texas’s congressional redistricting. The Obama Administration used Wendy Davis as a witness to show the harm Texas’s redistricting would cause. They centered Davis’s testimony around her biography to show both her credentials to talk about the harm and her credentials to explain the impact of the harm. Turns out her biography, which provided the basis of her credentials, conflicts with the testimony Wendy Davis gave under oath in the case.


In the case, Davis, under oath, stated

“When I as only 18 I got married. I had a baby, I got divorced by the time I was 19 years old.”

But according to the Dallas Morning News, “Davis was 21, not 19, when she was divorced.”

Davis also stated under oath

My parents divorced when I was 11 years old.

Actually, Davis was nearly 13 years old. The original divorce petition was filed in November of 1975. Davis was then twelve and a half years old. The divorce petition states that Jerry and Virginia Russell lived together until May 5, 1975, and then separated. Wendy Davis was within nine days of her twelfth birthday when they separated, but when the divorce was granted, on January 9, 1976, Davis was almost thirteen.

A Harvard educated lawyer should know the difference between separation and semantics.

Davis also, under oath in federal court, stated

“So my mother raised four children with no child support”

According to the divorce records, the divorce court ordered Davis’ father to pay $8,320.00 a year in child and spousal support, placing Davis’ family above the federal poverty level of $5,456.00 in 1975.

Note that Wendy Davis tried to walk this back a year after her court appearance in the Texas Tribune. Back in September she claimed that, instead of no child support, the support dried up.

Lastly, Davis stated in federal court, under oath,


After I got divorced, I lived in a mobile home park in Southeast Fort Worth.

According to the Dallas Morning News,

“She [Davis] lived only a few months in the family mobile home while separated from her husband before moving into an apartment with her daughter.”

The Texas Tribune reported last year that Davis actually “walked away from the mobile home mortgage and moved back in with her mother.”

In 2003, when filing for divorce, Davis’s then husband requested a temporary restraining order against her, had the court order her not to do drugs or drink alcohol within twenty-four hours of contact with her children, and her own daughter requested her father be her conservator. In fact, the Court awarded custody of the children to Mr. Davis and required Wendy Davis pay child support.

Now we also know that Wendy Davis manufactured a good bit of her biography for political ends.

What else is out there and how the heck did the Democrats pin their hopes on this disaster?


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