I am not sure I would have released the internal polling Mitch McConnell just released in Kentucky. He has it McConnell 68 and Matt Bevin at 21%That superficially sounds good. But consider that this outperforms both Marco Rubio against Charlie Crist at this point in 2009 and Ted Cruz against David Dewhurst at this point in 2011. Likewise, consider that Matt Bevin’s name identification in Kentucky is minimal, while Mitch McConnell is the Senate Republican Leader.In other words, a third of Kentucky Republicans either have no opinion or want a generic Republican against Mitch McConnell and two-thirds want Mitch McConnell. For a Senator with high name identification and twenty-eight years in the office, that’s not something I’d be touting.UPDATE: I’m told Matt Bevin was at 9% back in May.
Not Good Internals for Mitch McConnell in Kentucky
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