YG ACTION FUND – C00504761View Download FEC-781387 Form F24N – filed 05/02/2012 – 24 HOUR NOTICE 1. Supports Candidate: RICHARD LANE HUDSON, Jr. (H2NC08185) Office Sought: House of Representatives, North Carolina District 08 Payee: NATIONAL MEDIA RESEARCH, PLANNING & PLA Date Expended = 05/02/2012 Amount Expended = $53000.00 Purpose: MEDIA PLACEMENT AND PRODUCTION
Folks, Cantor must be scared. He’s gone after Scott Keadle and conservatives. We can’t let him outspend us here.I just gave $100.00 to Scott Keadle to help him fight off Eric Cantor’s desperate attacks. Give what you can. If you’ve maxed out to Keadle, give to the Club for Growth or the Madison Project.
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