Santorum and the Democrats. Outrage! Outrage, I Tell You!!

The latest outrage pushed by Team Romney is that Rick Santorum is running auto-calls asking Democrats in Michigan to support him. How dare he!Of course, Romney will do the same in the general election. It’s what we’re supposed to do. But right now it is somehow dirty — unless Romney had to do it, then it’d be a-okay with Romney supporters. Look at all those independent and moderate voters he got in New Hampshire and Florida. Those cross overs were just fine because they were Romney.The fact is, Mitt Romney went after Rick Perry for Perry rightly calling social security a ponzi scheme and many Romney supporters suddenly thought social security was pure as the driven snow. How dare Milton Friedman, Mitch Daniels, Rick Perry, and so many others call social security what it definitionally is.Then Mitt Romney started praising Arne Duncan and Race to the Top as a way to claim Rick Perry had destroyed Texas schools. And the Romney fans piled on too in praise of Race to the Top.Then, of course, Mitt Romney unveiled a tax plan that only gave the middle class capital gains tax breaks, supported automatic adjustments of the minimum wage, and recently praised the progressive nature of the tax code while adopting Obama’s class warfare rhetoric to make sure people knew he still wanted the rich to pay their fair share.But God help us, Rick Santorum wants Democrats in Michigan to vote for him.Spare me the outrage.



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