The CNBC Debate in a Nutshell

I’ll spare you a formal post on the CNBC Debate. Let me just state that of all the stupid debates and all the stupid questions we have been subjected to, I do not believe there could be a more stupid debate with stupider questions than the CNBC Debate. It is the freaking business channel and were subjected to 90 painful minutes of the Republican candidates explaining how business works to the moderators.No one treated Herman Cain as the front runner. Even Herman Cain didn’t treat Herman Cain as the front runner.The clear winner is Newt Gingrich who will now become the alternative to Mitt Romney, though it is doubtful he will be able to weather the media storm into his personal life. Believe it or not, Rick Perry had the best damn debate performance of his entire Presidential career last night. He gave fantastic answers. And then . . . wow. What a disaster. It was like finally getting your sail boat out of dry dock to enjoy your first enjoyable sail only to sink. He’s going to need every penny of that $15 million after that.Mitt Romney gave very good answers as usual, but I remain shocked that after all this time he still cannot answer questions on the individual mandate without flubbing.That’s your debate review. Can we just give CNN a monopoly on the debates? They seem to be the only network that is capable of doing one with substantive questions. Heck, CNBC would not even live stream its debate. Hello? 21st Century calling.



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