the Morning Briefing every morning at no charge.
Just a quick note: I’ll be filling in for Neal Boortz today on his nationally syndicated show. You can listen from 9am to noon right here. Neal’s long time producer Royal Marshall died suddenly over the weekend. The first hour of the show will be a tribute to Royal and I’ll take over the microphone at 10:00 a.m. ET.
— Erick
1. The Reverend’s Day
2. Mission accomplished, Markos Moulitsas.
3. Outside Effort to Get Mike Pence to Run Gains Steam
4. Cruz or Williams in Texas
5. What Is Wrong With Democrat Senate Rules Changes
6. Marxist Democrat Cringes As Russian Immigrants Compare Communism to…Democrats!
1. The Reverend’s Day
We celebrate today a national holiday in honor of an ordained minister of Jesus Christ.
There are three men in American history distinguished enough that they have been honored with a national holiday – George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Martin Luther KIng jr. – but only Dr. King has been honored solely for his time as a private citizen, having never held public office or military commission.
Unsurprisingly, to be so honored, all three men hold lessons for conservatives and liberals alike. All were in some sense revolutionary figures, unwilling to sit quietly on the status quo for the sake of comity and going along to get along, even at the sake of personal danger and the making of many enemies. Washington took up arms against his own government, and forged a new nation unlike any that had come before. Lincoln led a new, sometimes hard-edged political party that challenged a deeply embedded evil afoot in the nation, never backing down from his anti-slavery convictions even when accused of fomenting violence by anti-slavery radicals, nor when half the country took up arms in rebellion rather than accept his election. And Dr. King challenged, with stubborn persistence, the equally entrenched legacy of slavery in the form of Jim Crow laws. Yet by the same token, none of the three was a radical.
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2. Mission accomplished, Markos Moulitsas.
I started following the saga of J. Eric Fuller a couple of days ago: the short version is that he was one of the victims of the Tucson attack of last week that killed six people and nearly killed Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. Despite the fact that the consensus is, from the President on down, that harsh political rhetoric had nothing to do with the attack (the shooter is generally conceded to have been motivated by violent paranoid schizophrenia, not political beliefs), Mr. Fuller has made a name for himself by declaring that the right wing is responsible for the attacks, to the point where he is calling for Sarah Palin’s arrest for treason. And I was going to let all of that go: the guy did get shot, he was a hardcore Democrat beforehand – and, honestly, Fuller didn’t sound all that much different than this fool (more here) or this fool or the fools found here (and see here for much, much more). Free speech is free speech, even when the guy’s cynically milking the fetishes of the Left, am I right?
Except that Mr. Fuller wasn’t being cynical. He really, truly believes what he’s been told by the netroots; which is why he’s under arrest for making actual, public death threats against Trent Humphries, who was not involved with the Tucson attacks in any way, shape or form but who is the president of the Pima County Tea Party. Mr. Humphries has, in fact, been getting death threats all week; this was just the first time it was done in a fashion that the media couldn’t ignore.
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3. Outside Effort to Get Mike Pence to Run Gains Steam
An outside effort by conservative activists around the country is gaining steam. The effort, to get Mike Pence to run for President, is intriguing many old guard conservatives in Washington and activists around the country. The effort is being organized by a group calling itself the “America’s President Committee”. Former Congressman Jim Ryun of Kansas is lending his voice to the cause.
With tea party sentiment running high and a preference for a new face instead of someone who lost the primary fight in 2008, Pence makes an intriguing choice for many.
This morning a new website called www.theconservativechampion.org goes live as a way to get conservatives signed up and on the Pence bandwagon immediately.
Congressman Pence is still weighing whether to run for President or Governor of Indiana. The path of least resistance seems to be Governor, but then many paths without resistance are simply lures away from the race intended. The Congressman is expected to decide later this month what he’ll do.
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4. Cruz or Williams in Texas
The rumor is that, as we all expected David Dewhurst, who is more like DewCrist, is going to be running for Kay Bailey Hutchison’s Senate seat. Senator Hutchison has said she is not going to run again.
DewCrist has the money and is the man to beat. We must beat him.
In a state with no income tax, DewCrist is on record supporting an income tax. He’s not as good as we can do.
There are two, however, who will make conservatives happy:
Ted Cruz and Michael Williams.
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5. What Is Wrong With Democrat Senate Rules Changes
One would think it would be pretty easy to understand why conservatives wouldn’t want to give Harry Reid more power.
Reid has corruptly used the Senate rules to cram liberal legislation like ObamaCare down the American people’s throats. And, now that his Democrats have been repudiated in the elections, he wants even more power to cram even more liberal legislation -– thereby nullifying the November election results.
Nevertheless, we’re still getting Fox interviewers asking questions like: “What’s wrong with a Mr.-Smith-goes-to-Washington-filibuster?”
So here’s, specifically, what Senator Udall of New Mexico and nine other Democrats are proposing, what’s wrong with what they’re proposing, and a GOP alternative.
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6. Marxist Democrat Cringes As Russian Immigrants Compare Communism to…Democrats!
There is just no way to describe this without a smirk and a chuckle. When you read how some of New York’s Russian immigrants (who know Soviet-style Communism all-too-well) are aligning with Republicans—because they view Democrats’ policies to be too similar to the failed policies of their homeland—there is just something richly ironic there. However, when you read how their never-met-a-Marxist-she-didn’t-love Democrat legislator reacts to be having her party compared to Soviet Russia, now that is just over-the-top funny.
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