Tucker Carlson spoke to Seattle radio show host Jason Rantz on Thursday night who was reporting from what he calls the DMZ, the neutral zone that “separates Seattle from this emerging nation.”
Rantz told Carlson, “The city has ceded this land to these individuals. And the implications of that cannot be overstated. If folks think right now, maybe they live in Los Angeles or New York, ‘Oh, it’s not gonna happen here,’ yeah, it’s gonna happen there. We’re allowing it to happen here. We’re not getting involved at all. We’re pretending it doesn’t exist.”
Carlson asks about the sanitary conditions inside the area.
“The city of Seattle has decided to send in crews to do some clean-up and add some portable toilets for them, so we’re actually enabling this kind of behavior,” Rantz explains.
Tucker sarcastically calls this foreign aid for an emerging nation. Rantz goes along with that characterization and says: “This is a developing nation, so we need to give some financial aid to the beginning of this. We want to nurture this. We want to grow this.”
Rantz continues, “And maybe next week, instead of six blocks, it’ll be 12 blocks. Maybe after that, it can develop into all of Capitol Hill. If we’re going to cede this, let’s just go all in, because apparently, it’s not that big of a deal. Meanwhile, Mayor Jenny Durkan won’t come down here and she certainly won’t come down here without armed security and SWAT teams around the block to come in just in case something goes down.”
He also says the response time for 911 calls has tripled because the police department is undermanned and they are down a building.
Tucker makes a good point. Mayor Jenny Durkan should be made to live in CHAZ.
Mayor Durkan appears to be in deep denial over what’s happening to her city. Here are several messages she tweeted on Thursday night.
It’s clear @realDonaldTrump doesn’t understand what’s happening on five square blocks of our City. Cal Anderson and Capitol Hill has for decades been a place for free speech, community, and self expression.
Lawfully gathering and expressing first amendment rights, demanding we do better as a society and provide true equity for communities of color is not terrorism – it is patriotism.
The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone #CHAZ is not a lawless wasteland of anarchist insurrection – it is a peaceful expression of our community’s collective grief and their desire to build a better world. Given his track record, it’s not hard to believe that Trump is wrong, yet again.
For the thousands of individuals who have been on Capitol Hill, I think you’ve seen what I’ve seen: The painting of Black Lives Matter along Pine Street, food trucks, spaghetti potlucks, teach-ins, and movies.
Even for a progressive mayor, this is sheer madness. Domestic terrorists have unlawfully taken over the heart of Seattle. And neither the city’s mayor nor the state’s governor is doing anything to stop it.
This is anarchy. Extremists are holding the area hostage and they’ve issued a three-page list of unreasonable demands. (The list can be viewed here.) They even have their very own warlord.
Members of the group are extorting money from local business owners. One businessman reported he’d paid $500 for the promise that the group wouldn’t damage his property.
No matter how the left spins it, nothing about CHAZ is lawful. Rantz is entirely correct. If this is allowed to continue, it will embolden CHAZ to expand their “borders” and it will embolden extremists in other cities to try it.
Democrats have truly lost touch with reality. And I can’t believe this is happening in America.
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