This Sunday morning, The New York Times has devoted their front page to the nearly 100,000 U.S. victims of COVID-19. The text-only cover lists 1,000 names and excerpts from the obituaries of people who have succumbed to the dreaded virus.
The only problem with this lovely memorial is that at least one of the victims did not appear to have died from the coronavirus and his was only the sixth name on the list.
Twitchy reports, for example, “Jordan D. Haynes, 27, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, is described as “a generous young man with a delightful grin.” News reports, however, describe a Jordan D. Haynes, 27, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, as a murder victim found in his car. But was he infected with COVID-19 when he was murdered? Then it counts.”
The snippet in the bottom right portion of the tweet below doesn’t mention whether or not he was COVID positive. The only reference to COVID in the full obituary, which can be viewed here, is: “Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, private family services will be held at Stewart Baxter Funeral & Memorial Services in Cedar Rapids.”
Umm pic.twitter.com/eLPsmYZRS0
— Timothy Crimmins (@timcrimmins) May 23, 2020
CNN’s Brian Stelter came to The Times’ rescue later on Saturday night with the tweet below:
One of the names on the NYT's long list of Covid-19 victims was actually a murder victim. Some critics are using this to attack the paper as a whole. A rep tells me the error "has been removed for later editions of the paper. A correction will be running in print." https://t.co/uWzuFxnWha
— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) May 24, 2020
One Twitter user responded to this report by saying “Keep going down the list. These things always work out for Stelter.” Another mocked it by saying, “Oh yeah, 1 out of 1,000. Please.”
But others were quick to point out that Haynes was only the sixth name on the list.
One replied, “He was one out of 5 under 30 on the list. Another in that group had a condition that doctors told him he would not live to 18. Did not test positive for COVID but still ruled a COVID death. That’s 40% of the under 30 age bracket.”
Here are a few others:
It was six names in. There will be dozens more errors.
More people will look at the list and find a relative’s name and tell the truth.
I’m starting to get suspicious that the NYT wants Joe Biden to win. Do they have any kind recorded animosity towards Donald Trump?
How could that be possible?
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