The left was positively apoplectic upon hearing that the DOJ’s case against Gen. Michael Flynn was dismissed — with prejudice.
Liberals understand the enormity of what happened on Thursday and they are in a collective state of shock. One incredible comment followed another and each was uttered with such conviction. I was struck by how disconnected from reality the entire lot of them have become.
The following one-minute mash-up of their reactions will give you some idea. It begins at 4:00.
Another ridiculous theory comes to us from The Atlantic’s David Graham. Here is his explanation for why Flynn is “walking free”:
Only after that December 2017 plea deal did Flynn grasp the new reality: Cooperating with authorities might get you off easy, but staying loyal to the president will get you off entirely. So even though he’d already pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, Flynn changed his mind, tried to withdraw his plea, and began fighting the prosecutors he’d promised to help tooth and nail.
The documents unsealed last Wednesday night could not have been any clearer. They say what they say. There are no gray areas, they are straightforward and do not require interpretation.
The left knows that the Flynn case was inextricably tied to the case against President Trump who was their real target. When the documents were unveiled, revealing serious malfeasance by FBI officials, Americans saw for themselves incontrovertible proof of what President Trump and his supporters have been trying to tell them for years.
Although the case against Flynn was only one part of the Mueller team’s focus, its dismissal shattered the entire Russian collusion narrative. When you stick a pin into a balloon, all of the air escapes. You can’t pop one part of a balloon.
The Mueller probe ended last March when, after spending 22 months and $30 million, investigators had been unable to find evidence against President Trump.
Their parting gift was to say they had found “insufficient” evidence to indict the President. The writers of the report deliberately left the perception that they had found evidence alright, just not enough to meet the legal threshold required for an indictment.
They forced Attorney General William Barr into making the final determination on the question of obstruction of justice charges, which they knew could always be spun as needed for political purposes.
The lack of a conclusive exoneration from the Mueller team has served the left well.
It’s caused the “perception” of corruption by the President and his administration to linger in the minds of many voters, just as it was intended to. Although Trump’s base knows he did nothing wrong, there is no doubt this strategy has been effective.
The vindication of Michael Flynn, the clear, irrefutable evidence that top FBI officials were gunning for Flynn as an intermediate target as they continued to work against their ultimate target, President Trump, has had the effect of erasing doubts in the minds of independent voters. The ones who decide elections.
In case you missed it:
Comments from Reps. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) and Adam Schiff (D-CA)
Nadler had to weigh in with his stupidity. Fortunately, The Wall Street Journal’s Kimberley Strassel took him down quickly in the tweet below.
To repeat, the man who made the call was U.S. Attorney Jeff Jensen, 10 yrs FBI/10 yrs career prosecutor. Any journo worth their salt should be demanding what evidence Nadler has that Jensen is "politicized." Otherwise they should refuse to give traction to such fact-free claim. https://t.co/3IJNWqADrN
— Kimberley Strassel (@KimStrassel) May 7, 2020
Schiff responded exactly as you would have expected. Strassel swatted him away as well.
Same point with Schiff. He needs to be asked to explain his charge of "politicization" or stand down with such nonsense. I also love how Democrats worry about people being strongarmed by cops into guilty pleas–until the victim is someone Ds want to jail for political benefit. https://t.co/IcJbAj8l7N
— Kimberley Strassel (@KimStrassel) May 7, 2020
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