Sources familiar with the Durham investigation spoke to Fox News as the focus returns to the nearly forgotten coup against the President and Gen. Michael Flynn. One source told Fox that Durham has reviewed the unsealed Flynn documents and he’s disturbed that no whistleblowers came forward early on. Considering that there were more than a few officials who had to be aware of what was going on, including support staff, Mr. Durham finds it remarkable that no one spoke up “at the onset.” One would think he might have learned by now that the only use members of the deep state have for whistleblowing is when it can be used as a weapon against the right.
One source told Fox the documents revealed this week “could be sufficient for some charges against agents” and that the team is “building a serious case.” (Is there such a thing as an unserious case?)
He added, “It’s a crime to present under oath false or misleading information. Not to mention obstruction of justice.”
Another source said that Jeff Jensen, the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Missouri whom Attorney General William Barr appointed in February to conduct an independent review of the Flynn case, is continuing to work with the Durham Team.
They also informed Fox that “more exculpatory documents are forthcoming.”
Additionally, Fox learned that, “Barr talks to Durham every day. The president has been briefed that the case is being pursued, and it’s serious…They’ve asked the president to say nothing about it and not screw it up. He is laying back for a change.”
Regarding the possibility of a pardon for Gen. Flynn, the source said, “They would prefer that he be exonerated because then it’s an exoneration by judicial process and not a pardon from a friend, or a co-conspirator as some would allege.” He added, “It would have more value from a public policy standpoint if the courts do it. Obviously if that happens then the exoneration has credibility.”
The investigation is expected to wrap up at some point this summer. The source told Fox, “If they don’t have it, they’re not going to bring it. But they think they’ve got it.”
At the end of October, it was reported that the Durham inquiry (as it had been referred to up until that point) had turned into a criminal investigation. At that time, there were rumors that the FBI’s former General Counsel, James Baker, had “flipped” and was working with the Durham Team.
Earlier this week, Washington lawyer (and former U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia) Joe diGenova, told radio host Howie Carr that Baker had flipped. DiGenova said, “He was a target, is now understandably cooperating because he was looking at a boatload of criminal charges. Once these notes were discovered, and by the way, these were the notes that [FBI Director] Chris Wray and Dana Boente did not want turned over to General Flynn.”
DiGenova’s comment led me to believe that Baker’s “cooperation,” if true, is a relatively new phenomenon, rather than something which began six months ago.
The other interesting information from that interview is that diGenova told Carr there’s now a mole inside the FBI “who is leaking to the press about the current conduct of FBI Director Christopher Wray and his general counsel, Dana Boente.
“What’s very clear is according to two stories, one in The Federalist and one in The Daily Caller,” diGenova said, “is someone inside the FBI is now whistleblowing by leaking to the press about what’s going on and boy, it is just fascinating to watch the claim that Chris Wray and Dana Boente did everything they could to prevent the stuff from the Missouri U.S. attorney from being given to Flynn’s attorney. That is the beginning of a very ugly story.”
DiGenova remarked, “This story is like a Russian novel. I mean, this is Dostoyevsky, it’s even better than Dostoyevsky.”
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