
Joe and Nancy - One Foot in the Grave, Other on Banana Peel

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

As they approach the initial stages of fossilization, Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi might also be considering their upcoming and unavoidable meet-up with The Almighty. Or they might not. Either way, I sometimes imagine what that might be like. Catholics both, who like to remind the world that they are Catholic to enhance their appearances as good, moral folk, Pelosi and Biden have lived well enough as permanent members of the political elite for years and years.

I think that both are corrupt to some extent, simply because you can't exist in DC as a leader for decades without selling some part of your soul to the Machine. Pelosi is worth more than 200 million, and Biden maybe 10, so don't think there's a whole lot of question that their lifestyles were not gained on government salaries. I think graft and grift have played significant parts in their careers.  And this is simply the way things are done in Washington whether you're a Democrat or Republican.

What disturbs me, though, is that we have two people who wave their Catholicism in our faces, and yet they still support the act of abortion. This makes them nominal Catholics who use their faith to further their own political my opinion. And this is bad.

A long time ago, I studied for the Catholic, for several years. And like many, I now say, "I didn't leave the Catholic Church, the Catholic Church left me." Of course, it has to do with molesting kids, but you have perverts everywhere and in every Church. What did me in was that the "leaders," the Catholic hierarchy (the guys who are supposed to know better and live better as examples for the rest of us), were actively enabling this behavior by shoving it to the back of the closet and under that pile of dirty socks. When all of that became public, I decided I couldn't hang with these guys anymore. It forced me to question everything the hierarchy has told us was Truth down through the ages. If the current crop of leaders can be this corrupt, how do I know that the leaders in ancient times weren't equally corrupt when they adopted the idea of plenary indulgences? 

I don't.

However, Pelosi and Biden still profess to be Catholics in good standing. Now, in Catholic teaching, abortion is a mortal sin, or the kind of sin that puts your soul in grave danger. That's the term for it..."grave danger." It's oppositional to Church teaching that life begins at the point of conception. Now, you can be someone who has had an abortion, but if you got one out of fear, pressure, panic, or some similar kind of emotional stress, or if you truly did not know or believe that a fetus was a human person, you can receive absolution through the Sacrament of Reconciliation (confession), but along with that you are instructed to "go and sin no more."

Repetitive acts, however, diminish the effect of this because if you confessed it in the 'fession box, you knew it was wrong, and if you go and have another one or use it as a form of birth control thinking, "I can always go back into church and get the slate wiped clean" then absolution from the priest is just a bunch of words. You aren't really penitent, and your soul is still in grave danger.

So then we have Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi. These two have actively campaigned, promoted, and paved the way for legislation that makes/keeps abortion a legal procedure. But if you're a faithful and practicing Catholic, you don't believe this is morally correct. In fact, you believe it is morally wrong. There are groups like Catholics for Choice who think abortions are ok, but they're really just support groups for people who feel guilty and need others in the pen with them to make them feel less guilty. These people are nominal Catholics who reject one of the core teachings of the Church, and so they should just go join another outfit more aligned with their views.

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Biden and Pelosi, though, are a lot worse than these people because they use their positions as legislators to further what their Church calls a moral evil, all the while claiming and touting their Catholicism. How do they square that circle? Well, they simply tell us that while they don't personally believe in abortion, as lawmakers, they cannot force their religious views on their constituents who want abortion to be legal. How virtuous of them. And they promote abortions to make the voters happy so that they won't get kicked out of power by them. This is also known as "Selling Your Soul." You surrender your values on morality to serve another diametrically opposed to your own.

And that is what these two have done with themselves. To stay in power, they say, "I wouldn't want an abortion for myself or my own children, but I have no right to place any restrictions on you." This is nonsense. If you're a Catholic, it would be like saying, "I would not encourage my children to participate in drive-by shootings, but if that's what it takes to get your vote, I'll introduce a bill that makes them legal." So vote for me. Again.

Now, I very much get it that if you belong to a Church with a bunch of rules, and you're a lawmaker, and you have the position that abortion is morally wrong because your Church says so, but you have no right to impose that belief on your constituents, you may find yourself in a quandary. How can I support/promote something I deeply believe is a moral evil while realizing that this is what my constituents want? Well, the short answer is that you can't. If you're going to live an ethically and morally correct life, you can't serve both masters at the same time. One or the other gots to go. It's about that simple. 

If you want to campaign for public office, you need to be upfront about what you believe. "Hi! My name is Joe Dokes. I am pro-life, and I will not vote for legislation that promotes or furthers the practice of abortion. If you agree, vote for me. If you don't, vote for the other guy." There's no room to thread the needle here for a practicing Catholic. And what we have in Biden and Pelosi are two individuals who have been, unfortunately, temporally successful in doing just that. And now, each with one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel, I wonder what goes through their minds. Pelosi is probably thinking that she'll change God's mind by hook, crook, or bribery. And Biden? Well, he's going to visit the pope shortly. Maybe he'll be looking for absolution from Francis.

And I hope Francis gives it to him. We're all worthy of forgiveness, but as I was taught in the Seminary, God can forgive anything, but it doesn't mean you avoid His idea of justice on the other side.


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