I recognize that Barack Obama does not wish to defend this country. That he may have been tired of war, but our enemies are not tired of killing us. — Senator and presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz 11/14/2015
Yesterday we reported on the terrific response Senator and presidential candidate Ted Cruz had to the Daesh terror attack in Paris. Today the Cruz for President campaign released a video highlighting Ted Cruz’s response and his plans for defeating radical Islamic terrorism, as he laid it out during his Saturday appearance on Fox and Friends.
[mc_name name=’Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)’ chamber=’senate’ mcid=’C001098′ ]’s response stands in stark contrast to President Obama’s failed strategy to take on radical Islamic terrorism. As well as Obama’s naïve and incorrect assertion, made just before the Daesh terror attack in Paris, that we have contained ISIL.
In Cruz’s new video, “Our Enemy: Radical Islamic Terrorism,” Cruz notes that we cannot defeat radical Islamic terrorism with a President who refuses to utter the words “radical Islamic terrorism.” That is a strong counter point to Hillary Clinton, who during last night’s Democrat debate refused to call our enemy what it is just like Obama does.
Victoria Coates, senior advisor for foreign policy for the Cruz campaign summed up the contrast between the judgment of Senator Cruz, and that of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton:
The horrific ISIS attack on Paris is an unmistakable demonstration that the Islamic State is no more “contained” as the President claimed Friday than they were the J.V. eighteen months ago. Over and over again, the Obama administration has dismally misjudged the enemy we face. Just last night Secretary Clinton doubled down on this error when she declared war on “violent extremism.” This twisted rhetoric would be laughable if it weren’t so dangerous. Our enemy is radical Islamic terrorism, in this case ISIS, and their goal is nothing less than the destruction of the free world. The sooner we have a leader who understands this elementary truth the sooner we can start taking the necessary steps to protect ourselves from this evil.
Cruz calls for the United States to stop bringing in refugees from Syria as long as our intelligence cannot determine who may or may not be a terrorist. Cruz has also repeatedly called for the passage of his bill, the Expatriate Terrorist Act, which will rescind citizenship from any American that travels abroad to join ISIS:
Transcript of Cruz’s words in the video, excerpted from his recent interview on Fox and Friends:
We stand in solidarity with the people of France, with President Hollande, with the families of all of the victims of these acts of horrific terrorism.
These attacks underscore that we are facing an enemy who is fierce, who is relentless, who is at war with us even if our own president doesn’t understand that it is at war with us.
As long as we have a Commander-in-Chief unwilling even to utter the words radical Islamic terrorism, we will not have a concerted effort to defeat these radicals before they continue to murder more and more innocents.
And they’re getting stronger. Every region on earth has gotten worse under the Obama-Clinton foreign policy.
I recognize that Barack Obama does not wish to defend this country. That he may have been tired of war, but our enemies are not tired of killing us.
This will be coming to America. ISIS plans to bring these acts of terror to America.
It makes no sense whatsoever for us to be bringing in refugees who our intelligence cannot determine if they are terrorists here to kill us or not.
Congress needs to pass immediately the Expatriate Terrorist Act legislation that I’ve introduced that says that any American that travels abroad, that joins ISIS that takes up arms and wages jihad against America, they immediately forfeit their citizenship.
We need a commander in chief who says we will defeat radical Islamic terrorism. Let me tell you what that would look like.
In a Cruz Administration we would be using overwhelming air power and the Kurds as our boots on the ground, and it would be clear to any militant on the face of the earth if you go and join ISIS, if you wage jihad against America, you’re signing your death warrant.
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