A new Franklin Pierce University/Boston Herald poll of likely New Hampshire Democrat primary voters, finds Socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders leading Hillary Clinton, 44% to 37%. In March a Franklin Pierce/Herald poll had Hillary leading Sanders by 36%, 44% to 8%.
The remaining Democrat contenders failed to reach double digits. Vice President Joe Biden is at 9%, while former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, former Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee and former Virginia Gov. Jim Webb, barely register at, or below, 1%.
According to the Herald, the new poll shows that New Hampshire Democrats are lukewarm to Clinton, despite her campaign’s concerted effort to soften her image and connect with voters.
Just 35 percent of likely primary voters say they are “excited” about Clinton’s campaign, according to the poll. And 51 percent of voters say that while they could support her, they aren’t enthusiastic about her White House bid.
The poll was conducted Aug. 7-10 and has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.7 percent.
Based on the huge crowds Sanders draws, the increasing number of people who find Hillary untrustworthy, the relentless drip, drip, drip of her worsening email fiasco, Hillary’s nomination now seems no more inevitable for 2016 than it proved to be in 2008.
What else should one expect from a candidate that has to be reinvented then reintroduced to voters four times, even after eight years as First Lady, eight years as a U.S. Senator and four years as Secretary of State.
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