Welcome to The Vine, where every week I strive to bring you updates from around the pro-life community to help you keep up with the ever constant battle to save lives. If you aren’t plugged-in, it is my sincere hope that The Vine will allow you to get familiar with those on the front lines and find your place among them.
Why did Rome fall? There are many theories on the matter but everyone seems to agree on the pervasive decadent culture that preceded the fall. America has long been on the path of Rome, so the idea of VIP abortion services should come as no surprise. Detailed at Live Action News, Eastside Gynecology in New York City is reminiscent of the Roman marriage between low morals and gluttony. Women looking to kill their inconvenient children are assured that Eastside Gynecology will not only help them do it discretely, but they will also provide amenities on par with a trip to a lovely hotel or spa. Luxury bedding, crystal chandeliers, oil paintings, robes and slippers, and of course no abortion would be complete without internet. There must be a lot of money in the abortion business as Eastside Gynecology appears also to be paying people to give them positive reviews on their Facebook page. Upon closer inspection, I found that all their reviewers use the same medical and spa facilities; what a coincidence!
Perhaps the knowledge that abortion providers most certainly do not need more money is in part what prompted Lolly Ekdahl to return Planned Parenthood’s fundraising letter back to them. Unfortunately, any speech against Planned Parenthood does not go unnoticed by columnist Dan Savage who, as Twitchy recounts, took immediate issue with Lolly’s refusal to pay. According to Savage, Planned Parenthood’s “work” is “great, important, [and] necessary,” so he took it upon himself to use Lolly as an excuse to raise more money for the abortion giant. This isn’t the first time Savage has used the name of a pro-lifer to support Planned Parenthood: After a Catholic woman was rude to him on Twitter in February, he and his husband joined forces to get his followers to donate to Planned Parenthood in her name.
So why are we paying our tax money for Planned Parenthood to kill babies when supporters like Dan Savage are happy to throw spur of the moment fundraisers? After six years of exposing what Planned Parenthood is really all about, Live Action has rightfully said enough is enough. On their website, PlannedParenthoodExposed.com, Live Action has put together a call to action to stop the public funding of Planned Parenthood. Their report is thorough and is certainly one that Congress must address.
In Louisiana, lawmakers are also saying enough with a new bill making it’s way through the legislature. HB 305 seeks to prevent Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers from teaching children in public schools. As Townhall notes, “organizations with financial interest in abortion” certainly have no place teaching children. The Vine has previously covered the fact that gaining access to schools with the intent of selling abortion has long been a part of how abortion providers force abortion on our culture. Hopefully other states will follow Louisiana’s strong lead.
The last few years have proven to be strong for our movement. We are making strides and the left doesn’t know what to do with themselves in the face of a country that is now saying it is done with their extreme pro-abortion stance. We find ourselves in this great position in no small part due to the excellent investigative work of Live Action, who very much deserves this week’s Branch for Life. Finally, through their efforts, the public can see with their own eyes what happens behind the doors of Planned Parenthood. They have exposed the lies of the abortion industry and deserve our thanks for the incredible work they have done and continue to do.
Until next week, I pray blessings for you and for all committed to life in The Vine. Please feel free to email or tweet me with any stories you’d like to see covered or any organizations you’d like to see as the Branch For Life!
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