Playing The Victim: Easter Edition


It’s easy to fall back on old habits.  I’ve been eating paleo (a diet with too much kale imo) lately but yesterday I cheated with a piece of pizza.  It was hard to resist, just sitting there all easy and familiar, unlike the effort to put together a paleo lunch.  Whatever the issue, we’ve all dealt with, and sometimes failed, the challenge of changing what we know must not continue.  At this moment, some appear to be stuck in reactionary mode, playing the victim à la 2012.  The source of the outrage begins with an elementary school in Alabama, who recently decided to ban the word “Easter” in the name of religious diversity.  According to school principal Lydia Davenport, “people relate the Easter bunny to religion” and they “don’t (want to) infringe on the rights of others.”  From that, righteous indignation has spread across the right with not much thought put behind it.  So it’s time for a reminder – playing defense does not win the game.


After the re-election of President Obama, RedState Editor Erick Erickson wrote about how the right had become the party of anger.  “We’re off key and off message. We’ve become professional victims dialed up to 10 on the outrage meter. Who the hell wants to listen to conservatives whining and moaning all the time about the outrage du jour? Seriously?” said Erickson.  They were difficult words for many to hear but the truth has a habit of stinging.  So what if a school doesn’t want to use the word Easter?  Does that define the Christian faith and what we actually celebrate?  For years Christians have complained about the secularization of our faith, with the Easter Bunny being a prime source of frustration.  At home we have had to try and cut through the commercialization of Easter to explain to our children that bunnies, candy and eggs have nothing to do with the Jesus dying on the cross.  That the left has become so wrapped up in their own politically correct nonsense that they are now trying to dismantle the secular view they created should make us laugh.

I would be happy for my children to come home and tell me their school will now be having an “academic egg roll,” or whatever inane term they choose in their latest failed attempt to secularize the Christian faith.  We can call it Easter at home if we’re so attached to the word; although it’s worth noting that Resurrection Sunday more aptly describes the holiday.  Then perhaps the bunnies and eggs will fade into the background and our children can associate Easter with what it truly stands for: the joyous day we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior.



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