You know what's fascinating about the Super Bowl that no one talks about? The commercials are actually a reflection of popular culture. You can see where society's head is at by the commercials the corporations are making.
And ladies and gentlemen, I'm happy to say that society is healing.
I don't know if you've heard rumblings from the internet about the new Carl's Jr. ad, but it seems to be getting various groups up in arms. Oddly, both the feminists on the left and the first row of the church aren't exactly happy about it.
Because Carl's Jr. put a woman in it... and this woman is a smoke show.
Let's rewind the clock to the 1990s when commercials weren't being assaulted by wokeness from every direction, and they made ads that actually appealed to the demographics that would be buying their products. Since Carl's Jr. is a place mostly shopped at by men, the company actually created an ad that men will be paying attention to.
How do you get men to pay attention?
Put hot woman in it, wear something that grab lizard part of man brain, then have hot girl eat burger in slo-mo and drive off in convertible.
This is the new Carl's Jr. ad for the #SuperBowl.
— Brandon Morse (@TheBrandonMorse) February 7, 2025
America is SO BACK!
America is back, baby!
No doubt, when this officially airs and people see it, you're going to see a whole host of people absolutely disgusted by the ad. For starters, the woke, and the radical feminists will likely throw a raging temper tantrum over the depiction of women... women who volunteered to be in this ad and were paid for their work.
Doubtless, you're going to hear about how this will create unreal body standards for women as well, despite the fact that the women in the ad are very real.
I can't exactly see this ad impressing the front row of the church, either. The term "softcore porn" will doubtless be thrown around, as the woman in the ad, Alix Earle, is wearing a top made of two large Carl's Jr. stars.
But to be honest, I think that description is over the top. At best, it reminds me of 80s hairband music videos.
But for the rest of us, this ad is pretty great. It's got America all over it. Big food. Nice cars. References to rowdy good times. Huge... tracts of land. It's a sign that our society is healing and pulling away from what was probably one of the most ridiculous times in modern history.
What's likely going to happen is that this ad will play, and various groups will get up in arms about it. As a reaction to the pearl-clutching, Americans will go out and patronize their local Carl's Jr., because nothing quite drives sales like spite. This is an established pattern at this point, and my prediction is that people will want to hold on to this kind of attitude.
Sinking back into the days when corporations were under the thumb of the woke isn't something a lot of people are going to want to go back to. Laughing at the outraged is going to become a habit in the coming years. Mark my words.
This ad might just be the start of a new era.
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