
The DNC Is Scattered, Demoralized, and Leaderless

AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

I didn't even know David Hogg was a choice for DNC leadership, so when it came down the feeds that he was elected as DNC vice-chair, I was immediately confused. 

Why him? I asked myself the question and then, after a few milliseconds of thought, it became clear. "Hogg is, for all intents and purposes, a failure. He talks a big game, but he's most popularly known for being a puppet for the Democrat Party and... oh. That's why." 

(READ: David Hogg - All Grown Up...Sort Of)

He's Kamala Harris. He's Joe Biden. In other words, he's whoever the people who are actually in charge of the DNC need him to be. Hogg is willing to say or do whatever he's told. 

But the another thought occurred to me: This is exactly why the DNC failed to win the last election, and turned so much of the populace against them. Hogg, like Harris and Biden, represent a disconnect from the people, and it's this disconnect that has made the DNC an organization that is, frankly, in the weeds when it comes to governance. They were an anti-Trump party that got so high on its own supply that it truly believed it could bathe itself in corruption and nothing would happen. 

But something did happen. The anti-Trump party is now having to deal with Trump. 

No, scratch that. They're having to sit back and watch as Trump dismantles their system, uproots their corruption, and do it all to the sound of the American people's applause. 

It was clear that changes needed to be made at the DNC, but the Democrats are confused as to how they found themselves in this situation in the first place. Some of them rightly understand that it's because they became too radical. Too many of them believe it's because they weren't radical enough. As such, they can't seem to come to an understanding among one another, and can't get a coherent strategy going. 

This New York Times headline was, in my opinion, incredible, as it's the left's largest mouthpiece effectively throwing up its hands and admitting the party is listless. 

As my colleague Mike Miller wrote on the NYT article in question, Democrats are still so busy telling themselves that they lost the election because of misogyny and racism and refusing to come to reality where America largely agreed that the party's priorities were off by a mile and Harris was just an awful candidate all-around. 

Even the Atlantic watched in horrified awe as the DNC's meeting devolved into obsession over gender politics amid issues Americans truly cared about took a back seat: 

The Democratic Party, at least in theory, is an organization dedicated to winning political power through elected office, though this might seem hard to believe on the evidence provided by its official proceedings. The DNC’s meetings included a land acknowledgement, multiple shrieking interruptions by angry protesters, and a general affirmation that its strategy had been sound, except perhaps insufficiently committed to legalistic race and gender essentialism. 

Hogg is a symptom of a disease that the DNC seems to have no interest in curing itself of. In fact, it's only buckling down. Hogg seems to be a solution dreamed up by the DNC's largest donors in a response to demands of "new blood," but Hogg is clearly just the same rotted drink, just with a new sell-by date. He's just the next iteration in the pattern. 

I'm sure you want me to tell you what the Democrat Party might be planning, but I can't, because even they don't know what they're doing. Its donors, the people who are really in charge (like Soros), can't wrap their heads around the cultural shift that happened in America. They are in alien territory, and they still haven't discovered that they can't just create narratives to help them wiggle their way out of trouble and into power. 

They are lost in their radicalism to the point where their only solution is to put band-aids on gunshot wounds. It's a nice gesture, but it's not going to stop bleeding. 

In truth, at this time, the DNC reminds me of another party that can't seem to get its act together and understand what it is; the Libertarian Party. 

As I said back in May of last year, if the Libertarian Party was actually libertarian, it would dominate elections and there'd be very little the Democrats or Republicans could do about it. However, it's lost in an endless civil war due to radicals of every stripe attempting to exert its influence from within, and the party currently giving over to very anti-libertarian ideals that make it a total joke. 

(READ: If the Libertarian Party Was Libertarian, It Would Win Elections)

This is the DNC right now, to the letter. The only difference is the DNC is still getting major donors compared to the Libertarian Party, but other than that, I'm not sure I could tell the difference. 

This won't last forever. To quote George R.R. Martin, "chaos is a ladder." At some point, a leader is going to rise within the party and reorganize it into becoming something that the establishment doesn't like, and at that point, the DNC will regain power. The donor dollars keeping it on life support is fertile ground for this. 

The law of undulation is absolute

Until that time, however, the Democrats are at the lowest state I've ever seen them, and I'm willing to bet there hasn't been a historical low for it quite like this. The election of Donald Trump really did do some serious damage to the psyche of the left, and you can see it in the DNC's meetings. 

It's a good day. 


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