Liz Cheney Might Have Had the Dumbest Moment During the CSPAN Townhall Despite Kamala Harris' Blunders

AP Photo/Jae C. Hong

Whatever goodwill Cheney had left probably dried up during a singular moment when she was on stage with Kamala Harris. 

Cheney was part of a Town Hall on Monday with Harris with Maria Shriver on CSPAN. As the event went on, it was clear that Cheney was sitting next to an A5 moron. Cheney's uncomfortable body language and facial expressions told us far more about what she was actually thinking than what she said. 


(WATCH: Kamala Harris Was So Bad at Staged 'Town Hall' That Even Liz Cheney Was Left Cringing)

But despite how ridiculous Harris is, Cheney probably took the award for the most monumentally stupid take that night. Hilariously, it's a point that the left thinks is excellent, because KamalaHQ actually put it up on X, indicating they think Cheney really got Trump with this one. 

In the clip below, you can see Cheney talk up how Harris is great and will be a president for all people of all political spectrum (sure, Jan) before she got into how a politician should conduct their life outside of politics and dropped this nugget of wisdom on us. 

"If you wouldn't hire somebody to babysit your kids, you shouldn't make that guy the President of the United States," Cheney said to a cackle from Kamala and applause from the crowd. 

First off, people aren't electing Trump for his ability to babysit, they're electing him because he's the best candidate to guide the free world to prosperity and protect it from its very powerful enemies. No one cares if Trump can change a diaper properly or make sure little Timmy doesn't run with scissors. It's a dumb point to make. 


But more importantly, is Cheney suggesting Harris is a good candidate to watch my kids? 

Just a few points to make here. Her running made, Governor Tim Walz, believes that transing children isn't wrong, and placed tampons in little boy's bathrooms. 

Secondly, Harris doesn't have any biological children of her own, and while that's not necessarily a strike against her (we trust teenage girls to babysit children) it is worth nothing that Trump did have children that he raised and who turned out to be very successful people. Trump understands raising children far better than Harris does, as Harris became a step-mother to Doug Emhoff's children Cole and Ella when they were 20 and 15 respectively. 

And that brings us to Doug Emhoff, the Second "Gentleman," and I use those quotation marks there very purposefully. 

As I reported earlier in October, Emhoff cheated on his wife and impregnated his children's nanny before abusing her emotionally and mentally to the point where she miscarried. After he divorced, and he dated around in 2012, he reportedly slapped his now ex-girlfriend across the face so hard she spun around after he suspected her of flirting with a valet guy at the Cannes Film Festival. According to the story, she was handing the valet some cash in order to speed the process of getting them a car, and Emhoff flew off in a jealous rage. 


Also, according to the story, he was wholly unapologetic about everything, be it impregnating and abusing the nanny, or slapping his ex. 

(READ: Doug Emhoff Reportedly Slapped Ex-Girlfriend 'So Hard She Spun Around' in Public Altercation in 2012)

Does that sound like the kind of person you want babysitting your kid? 

Cheney was likely doing all this in hopes that she'd get a job in Harris's administration, possibly as a cabinet member, but she's not exactly helping Harris make the point to elect her here. Truly, no one around Harris actually is. 


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