
The Democrats Are Showing Just How Much They Actually Care About Women Right Now

AP Photo/Brynn Anderson

Sixteen days ago, I reported a story about how the Second Gentlemen, Doug Emhoff, was reported to have slapped his ex-girlfriend back in 2012 during the Cannes Film Festival. According to the report, Emhoff was suspicious of his ex flirting with a valet driver and slapper her so hard she spun around. According to the woman's friend, she was merely trying to get them a cab sooner by offering the valet money. 

(READ: Doug Emhoff Reportedly Slapped Ex-Girlfriend 'So Hard She Spun Around' in Public Altercation in 2012)

This was one of those moments where the news was too big to ignore on social media. The story made the rounds and many people learned that Emhoff was actually horrible to women in his past. He had cheated on his wife, impregnating the nanny, then treating her so horribly she lost the baby. According to the story, Emhoff seems completely unapologetic or bothered by any of this. 

The only people who haven't acknowledged it are the Democrats, both in the media and in Washington. 

Safe to say, the silence has been deafening. In fact, it's so noticeable that even Bill Maher couldn't help but comment on it, according to the New York Post:

 “If people don’t know what’s going on, the Daily Mail is reporting that three women [Emhoff’s ex-girlfriend] talked to contemporaneously, which has been the standard very often in these cases, that she said back in, I think, 2011 or something, they were at the Cannes Film Festival. He slapped her. He thought she was flirting with the valet.”

“He knocked up the nanny, right? That’s confirmed,” conservative radio host Buck Sexton chimed in.

“That’s confirmed. He definitely knocked up the nanny,” Maher responded with a chuckle.

“What I’m saying is, if this becomes more credible- and we don’t know yet. I mean, a lot of the conservative outlets still aren’t reporting it, so I wouldn’t go after anybody for not reporting it yet because these things have to be checked out. But if it becomes more credible, certainly on the level of Brett Kavanaugh, which was that kind of thing was reported by everybody pretty quickly. Does the liberal media keep ignoring it?”

“Yes, they will. Absolutely,” Sexton answered. 

“Wouldn’t that make it look worse?” Maher then asked. 

The answer is "absolutely." 

As of this moment, these reports are all just that; reports. However, the left's complete unwillingness to talk about it or dig deeper only sends the message that Emhoff is absolutely guilty of it all. 

CNN anchor Laura Coates, who was on the panel with Maher and Sexton, exhibited exactly the issue with the leftist media on this story with her response to it, according to the Post: 

“What I don’t think is fair is to, and I’m consistent on this on all accounts, is to tar and feather without more,” Coates said. “I think you have to give information to people, and you have to actually do your homework and background. I don’t think by not reporting- and again, I’m not familiar with all of the allegations that are involved here, but I think it is appropriate to investigate as it is appropriate to be cautious before you simply put something into the ether that has those substantiation.”

That's hilarious, given the fact that CNN, and indeed the entirety of the corporate news complex, has been willing to jump on Donald Trump for any mere mention of a scandal, and even bite on absolute lies in their desperation to take Trump down. The entirety of the "Russian collusion" angle that was force-fed to the public for years is proof of that. 

But all of that misses one of the largest points about this big story being turned into a non-story. 

The Democrat Party is consistently telling everyone how much it cares about women, and wanting to protect women's rights, and how Republicans hate women and want to install some sort of "Handmaid's Tale" theocracy where women are reduced to being baby factories. 

Yet here is a story of abuse on multiple women, both physical and emotional... and the party of women has gone completely silent? The media has no interest? 

If this story revolved around Trump, you'd be hearing about it nonstop. There'd be round-the-clock coverage, unceasing investigations, and there might even be another women-focused march speaking out about abuse. Yet all we're getting from the left right now is crickets. 

I've said it before, I'll say it again, and I'll keep saying because the Democrats keep giving me examples. 

Democrats do not care about women. At all. 


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