
Kamala Harris's Campaign Is Sinking Beneath the Waves

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

I knew it was bound to happen, but I have to admit, it took longer than I thought it would. Kamala Harris's campaign was cursed from the beginning, and her only hope was that the media would be able to continuously reapply fresh coats of paint to her acidic campaign. However, even the media with all its time, money, and horrendously biased journalists couldn't cover up the fact that Harris is just awful. 

The Harris campaign is falling apart now, and very quickly. There are too many holes in the ship to plug. Right now, I'm reminded of the scene from the Titanic, where the architect of the ship is breaking the news to the Captain that the boat will go under. 

"It is a mathematical certainty." 

She's always had issues, but the recent ones have truly hurt her. 

Her disastrous response to the victims of Helene really highlighted her incompetency and lack of care for the American people. Her response was delayed because she decided to go on a sex-focused podcast that only got 170,000 views and wasn't even received well by many of the podcast's viewers. 

In fact, the only thing more devastated than North Carolina by Hurricane Helene was the Harris campaign. Not only was FEMA wildly under-prepared to help Americans due to so much money already going to illegal aliens, a problem Harris had a huge hand in, but Harris decided to arrive in North Carolina, halting rescue efforts so she could get a photo-op before leaving. 

Then, she made the fatal error of picking a fight with Ron DeSantis about going to Florida for more photo ops, which DeSantis torpedoed her on, making her look like a fool so badly that even CNN had to recognize that Harris really goofed on this one. 

(WATCH: Scott Jennings Drops Facts on Why Kamala Harris' Attack on Ron DeSantis Should Backfire on Her)

Then, there was the recent 60 Minutes interview where journalists actually did their job for just a few moments, and in those few moments, it truly highlighted how weak and ridiculous the Harris campaign was. 

It honestly makes you wonder where we would be right now if the media had been doing its job all along, and I'm honestly curious as to why a part of it decided to start now. 

(NEW: More Kamala '60 Minutes' Clips Show Why Her Campaign Is Doomed After Border and Gun Comments)

Of course, as I write this, it appears that CBS recognized it made a mistake and is now doing some editing for its YouTube video. 

As my colleague Adam Turner wrote, this sinking of the Harris campaign is reflecting even now in the polling, which is increasingly looking bad. Trump is gaining with groups Democrats relied on, such as minorities, and Harris is losing support in key areas that she'd need to win. While it looks like she might still eck out a victory in the popular vote, she doesn't have enough to win the electoral. 

(READ: The State of the Presidential Race as We Head Into the Final Month)

It didn't help that the campaign was made of sand in the first place. No policies to speak of until the Harris campaign effectively released a list of policies ripped directly from Joe Biden, the same policies that had failed America. Others, she ripped from her opponent, Donald Trump. 

Then, of course, Harris was already wildly unpopular to begin with. It's important to remember that Harris was one of the first Democrats to drop out of the 2020 race after Tulsi Gabbard destroyed her campaign in less than three minutes, a series of facts that still haunt Harris to this day. Then, of course, she was hired based on what we identify now as DEI reasoning, with leftist groups threatening to not support Biden if he didn't hire a woman of color to the position of VP. It was during her time as VP that she achieved being one of the most unpopular VPs in history, flubbing every job she was ever given and not making it any better by not having any charisma to speak of. 

Then she Game of Thrones'd Joe Biden, became the 2024 Democrat nominee, and the press kicked into gear, working around the clock to make Harris someone she's not; a good candidate. 

But the flubs began and they didn't stop. There were some minor victories here and there, but they weren't enough to stop the truth from coming out. Now Harris's leaks are many, and the flood of issues will work into every inch of her campaign faster and faster until it sinks completely. 

The election is nearly upon us and the Harris campaign just seems to be floundering as Trump's campaign seems to only have pure momentum. Trump survived two assassination attempts, one of which resulted in the most iconic photos of this decade, a man with a bloody face raising his fist into the air. It's an image that won't stop making its way around social media, with many people making it their profile pictures on social media. 

It will take a dark, dark miracle for Harris to gain traction again, but this is Kamala Harris. Perhaps a smarter, more capable and charismatic candidate could pull something out of a hat, but there's so much going against her, including herself. 

I'm not going to sit here and tell you it's over for Harris, but there's a strong indication that it is. The sharks are circling. It's increasingly looking like it's all over, except for the biting. 


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