
Why the Left Is So Bad at Talking to Humans?

Screenshot via Saturday Night Live/YouTube

If you're a loyal RedState reader, you've probably noticed a rash of articles detailing the absolute embarrassment that is the leftist ad world, each of them trying to sell you on rejecting Donald Trump in favor of Kamala Harris. The cringe level on them is so high that by the time the ads were over you weren't even sure if the ad was for or against Trump. 

First there was the one that came from White Dudes for Trump, which I can only describe as an ad created by machine that was fed information about what a man is from a leftist, and this is what it spit out. 

(READ: The Democrats Clearly Don't Get Men)

Then there was this slop from Fran Drescher. 

(READ: New Kamala Ads Are So Cringe, Some Think They're Actually for Trump)

And what would probably be the worst of them all is this unintentionally hilarious ad from a group called "Bardo," which took the extremist caricature of Trump and tried to sell it as real.

(READ: The Left Might Have Just Released the Cringiest Anti-Trump Ad You'll Ever See)

Each of these ads is just off in a big way. They fail to do the most basic thing they should, and that's connect with the viewer. They come off more like ads from leftists to other leftists. It reminds me of those "artistic" films that nobody actually likes but aren't for the audiences, it's for other artists, who will say it's an inspiration and groundbreaking, then spend a night forming a back patting circle. 

In short, these are videos that scream, "Look at how leftist I am" to other leftists while serving it up to a general audience. 

The left used to be better at this, so what happened? 

I have three theories:

First, you often hear about the left's echo chamber and how much it plays a role in turning people into maniacs whose adherence to leftist doctrine borders on the religious. They've spent so much time speaking to each other with specific guidelines and rules in place that they've forgotten how to outreach to everyone else. There's a sort of social stagnation that comes with that, and with that comes an inability to appeal to people outside your group. It doesn't help those aforementioned social rules keep them hemmed in creatively as well. 

Secondly, there's a massive issue of moral absolutism. These people think they're better than you in almost every way, and boy does the left love letting you know it. The left's favorite pastime is virtue signaling, and you can see it in their creations. Moreover, this doesn't allow for a lot of nuance to be displayed. Trump is the ultimate villain and Harris (formerly Biden) is the best hope for our nation. End of story. Anyone who disagrees is a bigot, racist, sexist, homophobe, xenophobe, etc., etc., etc. There can be no in-between. This is why even when they're trying to reach out to groups like white men, they can't help but throw in shaming rhetoric. The alienate the people they were trying to reach out to in the first place. 

Then, of course, there's the identity politics. The left can't see past identity. They're not allowed to. Moreover, it's been firmly established that there are some ethnicities that are villains and some that are oppressed. This also limits how the left can approach a broader audience, as they have to adhere to certain ways of talking about other people. To use the White Guys for Harris ad again, notice how when trying to welcome white men into the fold, they do confirm that white men are indeed an issue in society. 

You can't sell things very well if you're disconnected from, and even despise, the audience you're attempting to convince. The left has become far more extreme than it used to be thanks to the problems listed above, including a multitude of others. 

But so long as they continue to be this way, their ads will only get worse. 


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