NYC COVID Czar Admits to Using Underhanded Coercion to Effectively Force People to Get Vaccinated

Steven Crowder/Mug Club

As we gain more and more distance from the pandemic, investigations into it are revealing some heinous things. As Steven Crowder's undercover investigations recently discovered, New York City residents were being mishandled by one of the dirtiest players of them all. 


COVID Czar Dr. Jay Varma was tasked with running the pandemic response for the entire city, and he confessed to an undercover journalist of Crowder's that he effectively sought to force people to get the vaccine just to be able to live their lives peacefully. He claims credit for being the person who convinced Mayor Bill DeBlasio to make the vaccine mandatory, and then said he made it "very uncomfortable to be unvaccinated." 

‘You can’t get a job, you can’t go to a restaurant, your kids can’t go to’s like fu*k it, I’m just going to get vaccinated,” said Varma. 

He told the undercover journalist that he "built barriers" so that people would just give up and say "I'm just going to do it because I'm tired of being harassed." 

Varma also said that people didn't give in because they thought the vaccine was safe. Though he said he made the vaccine sound safe, he knew it wasn't ultimately safety that would drive people to get it, but making their lives too hard to live without it. He later said that people aren't smart enough to get it on their own, which is why he made it a required thing. 


If you think this is slimy, Varma also admitted to the journalist that while the pandemic was in full swing and the lockdowns were ongoing, Varma was busy throwing drug-fueled sex parties. 

“I had to be kind of sneaky about it...I was running the entire Covid response for the city…we rented a hotel...we all took like, you know, molly[E*stasy/MDMA] … 8 to 10 of us were in a just being naked with friends…," said Varma during the video.

Varma admits he wasn't being "Covid friendly" and bragged that he did all of this while he was on television telling everyone else to stay safe and get vaccinated. 

“The only way I could do this job for the city was if I had some way to blow off steam every now and then,” he said, excusing his own behavior. 


This shows you just how corrupt things were during the lockdowns. Not that this kind of behavior is unheard of. California politicians, including Gavin Newsom, Nancy Pelosi, and more were caught enjoying things they were denying to others while the pandemic was ongoing. While Varma's behavior is infuriating, he's hardly the only person who did it. 

This only solidifies the fact that investigations need to continue and these people need to be exposed. 


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