
Behold: Leftist Fragility

Jake May/The Flint via AP

Here's a fun look into how the left is doing right now for your Friday. 

The left loves to be holier than thou. They believe themselves to be far more intelligent, cunning, and morally superior, so they do not take it lightly when you prove them wrong. Since that's happening more and more lately, the left is having something of a collective meltdown. They keep losing too many fronts and are having to retreat too often. 

Even their victories are short-lived. 

As I wrote on the debate, Kamala Harris did do better than many thought she would do, and this somewhat emboldened the left. The only issue is that having to rely on the moderators to make you look better was never going to be a good look. The moderators checked Trump and argued with him at several points, sometimes long enough for me to forget Harris was even there. 

(READ: The Moderators Will Have Ultimately Hurt Kamala Harris Once One Question Is Asked)

Confidence in Harris was always going to grow from this moment because, on initial viewing, Trump looks like he struggled. Indeed, there were missed opportunities he should have taken, but it's kind of hard to have a fair debate when you're three on one. Harris, by comparison, wasn't called out at all for any of her lies, of which there were nine big ones that were easily disprovable. 

Brandon Tatum did just that, putting in a tweet thread each lie and including a small video that showed you how it was a lie. It was a really solid thread that shows how Harris didn't actually perform as well as she did. I posted this threat to the Harris campaign's propaganda account "KamalaHQ," and the reaction from the left has been kind of funny. 

Going down through the responses to it from leftists, you'll notice that not one of them acknowledged the thread, choosing instead to throw ad hominem attacks, and one even went so far as to call Tatum a "Token." 

You've seen this before on many different threads. It's a sort of offensive retreat that allows them to make themselves feel better as they hide from the facts. It's a way to make themselves seem stronger and more confident than they actually are. 

But I wanted to show you that small example in order to contextualize a much bigger one. 

If you want to see a really huge example of attacking while running away, then check out what happened to Robin DiAngelo, the author of "White Fragility." 

As some of you may know, The Daily Wire's Matt Walsh has a new documentary coming out called "Am I Racist?" which features Walsh in a horrendous disguise going around and exposing the left's obsessive and often ridiculous mentality on the idea of racism. At one point, he actually got to sit down with DiAngelo, who had no idea who he was. 

When the truth came out, and it was discovered that DiAngelo was actually being made fun of in Walsh's documentary, she deleted her X account completely. 

Not that she wasn't going to take shots at Walsh from the safety of her own website. She released a statement explaining what happened from her side of things. She spends a lot of time talking about how she was misled about certain things they spoke about and how she misunderstood some of the questions. That she was manipulated and that Walsh is a white supremacist and a transphobe. 

But really, this is all just an admission that she's not as smart as she thinks she is, and she was easily duped by a bad disguise. For example, this one scene, in particular, is absolutely hilarious as she tells it: 

Matt asked what I thought about reparations for Black Americans. I said that I agreed with reparations but that it was not my area of expertise. He then pulled up a chair and invited a Black crew-member who went by “Ben” to sit with us, took out his wallet and handed Ben some cash. He said that if I believed in reparations, I should also give Ben cash. While some Black people have asked white people to engage in reparations by giving directly to individuals, reparations are generally understood as a systemic approach to past and current injustice. The way Matt set this up felt intended to put Ben and I on the spot. Because Matt was pushing this on us, I expressed my discomfort and checked in with Ben, to be sure he was okay with receiving cash in this way. Ben reassured me that he was, so I went to my wallet and handed him my cash and the interview ended.

I was so unsettled by the way Matt manipulated this last scene that I emailed the contact person – who went by the name of “Lee Hampton” – to explain that this scene was not an example of reparations and could mislead viewers. I asked that they not use it in the film and shared several resources overviewing legitimate systemic efforts for reparations. He assured me that he understood and that they had not yet decided whether to address reparations. He never again contacted me or answered an email.

DiAngelo isn't the intelligent person she thinks she is. Her obedience to her own dogma and her obsession with recognition for being a white person who hates white people forced her into the situation and to act in a certain manner, lest she found herself in the midst of a hypocrisy she couldn't afford to have exposed. 

Now that she's been made a fool of, her only recourse is to hide from the public and accuse people of social sins from a place where no one can respond to her directly. 

Brave Sir Robin DiAngelo ran away. 

In fact, she's not the only one who did. 

These people are cowards. They don't want to admit it, but they are. They're brave enough when they're in the midst of their mobs, but when they're isolated and ridiculed, they buckle and fold. They flee while shouting accusations and insults in order to convince themselves that they're still on the right side. 



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