
How Cat Memes Exposed the Media's Elitism and Lack of Care for You During the Debate

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

There was a moment that I think completely went by a lot of people, as it seemed more of a hit on Donald Trump by the moderators. While this moment will likely be replayed over and over again on the internet and by CNN, MSNBC, and the like, when you really stop to look at it, it looks horrible for the media and exposes their clear disdain for you. 

The moment was when Trump brought up the Haitians eating pets in Springfield, Ohio. After he talked about the animals being killed and eaten there, moderator David Muir attempted to fact-check Trump by saying they had checked with the city manager, and were told that nothing of the sort was happening.

The moment was triggered by the fact that reports had come from the people of Springfield that their pets were disappearing, and they were watching Haitians walk up to the geese and ducks in their park, beheading them, and carrying them away to eat them, as well as reports of people's cats going missing. This triggered a massive number of memes to be created featuring Trump protecting cats and geese. 

Apparently, they were ready for Trump to bring this up in hopes they would get to throw the fact that they checked in with the city manager at him. 

Checkmate? Not really. 

Two things need to be addressed here. Firstly, as J.D. Vance would bring up to CNN's Kaitlan Collins, the city manager might be denying it, but the people are not. They're the ones having to deal with all of this nonsense directly, and the media not investigating further shows just how bad at their jobs they are. One man actually did investigate the claims on the ground and got a whole different story than the one the city manager gave. 

(READ: CNN's Kaitlan Collins Was Not Ready for JD Vance's Response When She Confronted Him About Cat Memes)

WARNING: Explicit language used in the video below

This leads to the second, and more important point. 

The media is so elitist that they're not interested in what you think, see, or hear unless it benefits them. This isn't news they're in the business of, it's propaganda. So long as they get the answer they want from a source they find "authoritative," then they won't push much further for information, if at all. 

This is more than insulting, it's a show of open contempt for you, your troubles, your needs, and the truth. 

What you just witnessed was the state of the modern media. The truth isn't a concern for them. What they want, and will create from nothing if necessary, is anything they can use to make their agenda move forward. If it's at your expense, so be it. 


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