
LGBT Acceptance Is Down and 'Experts' Are Missing the Reason Why

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

Like most of America, I have a live-and-let-live mentality toward my fellow citizens. I'm too busy with my own life to worry about what my neighbor is up to, nor do I think he has any business knowing or involving himself in mine. I do have lines, naturally. Don't abuse children, rape, steal, murder, or do anything that could intrude upon the privacy and property of your fellow citizen. 

Otherwise, outside of some slight nuances, it's my opinion that people should be able to do as they please. 

But this is not the attitude of some groups in America. They believe that they have the right to demand things of you such as obedience, acceptance, and intrusion. One of these groups most guilty of this is the LGBT activist community, which has spent years and years attempting to force themselves on the American public in various ways. 

One glance through the myriad of articles covering the LGBT community can show you just how aggressive they've been and how complicit both the media and the government have been in helping their agendas. This caused the activists to become hubristic and as a result, they've openly made a play at recruiting your children into both supporting them and taking part in their lifestyle, oftentimes behind the backs of parents or directly against their wishes. 

They aren't shy about it. They openly confess to doing it and are proud to do it, but they can't do it with parents breathing down their necks, so they do it furtively. 

So, it should be no surprise that many in America have gotten fed up with the LGBT activist community and have begun dropping their support. 

According to The Hill, GLAAD released a report that detailed how America's support for LGBT equality has come down a few points while still remaining high: 

Eighty percent of non-LGBTQ adults surveyed by the group in January said they support equal rights for the LGBTQ community, down from 84 percent who said the same in 2023, according to GLAAD’s annual Accelerating Acceptance report, a yearly barometer of support for LGBTQ Americans. 

A majority of non-LGBTQ adults — 91 percent — said LGBTQ people “deserve to live their lives free from fear,” however, and 89 percent said LGBTQ Americans “should have the freedom to live their lives and not be discriminated against.” 

“While acceptance for LGBTQ people remains at supermajority levels, the data this year also sounds substantial alarms about threats to this progress and to freedoms valued by every American,” said Sarah Kate Ellis, GLAAD’s president and chief executive.

The article continues by placing the blame on Republicans, conservative judges, JD Vance, Donald Trump, and everyone under the sun, but it never stops to point the finger at the LGBT activist community, even going so far as to claim that a lot of the accusations being leveled against them are "misinformation" including the reason behind the Nashville shooter killing six people, including three children. 

This is severe "bubble thinking" that is fooling even GLAAD and the media. 

The truth is right in front of their faces, and the evidence isn't hard to find. The LGBT activist community is an aggressive entity in the Western world, and when they aren't screaming about "victimhood," they're proudly fighting parents for control of their children's libraries and curriculum. There is a nasty tendency by the LGBT activists to label anyone who pushes back against their agenda as hateful, homophobic, transphobic, etc., while they literally force themselves into women's spaces and sports, stealing accolades and awards from them. 

And yes, there are rapes and assaults, including against children

The bottom line is that the LGBT activist community is highly abusive toward the American people, so it's no wonder the American people are turning against them. It's small now, but if this keeps up, it's highly doubtful that this drop will cease. At some point, the LGBT community proper will have to stand up and say enough is enough and silence its own activist community. 


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