Disney's Internal Communications Leaked, Reveals a Den of Degeneracy, Swingers, and Naked Bike Rides

AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell, File

Disney is a hive of scum and villainy, that much we've known for some time thanks to various reports that have been steadily coming out, but now we're getting a great idea about the depth to which its employees sink. "Degeneracy" is a proper word to use here. 


James O'Keefe and his "O'Keefe Media Group" (OMG) got their hands on internal Slack communications. "Slack" is an application used by businesses to communicate internally between employees and managers, helping to organize and direct work within the company. You'll find employees often speak their minds openly in certain Slack channels, believing that what they say will never been seen by outside eyes. 

However, Disney's have now leaked to O'Keefe who has used it to create a series called "The Disney Files," a series of videos he will use to reveal the internal communications and how horrendous the company's policies actually are. 

In the first video, O'Keefe shows that employees used Disney's slack to organize a series of events that the company should have no business organizing, given its main goal of being a family-friendly entertainment company. 

As O'Keefe shows, these events include: 

- Naked bike rides, including grown naked men riding their bikes in front of children

- Pride nights on Disney property and communities across the country

- Swinger's meet-up groups 

- Company workshops on how to change your name as you transition from one sex to another 

- LGBT television shows aimed at children, such as one called "Who I'm Meant to Be," which is sponsored and sanctioned by Disney.


- Disney is actively assisting with sex-change surgeries for their employees. 

The video should be watched in its entirety, as O'Keefe goes into further detail about each of the points above. 

O'Keefe also goes into the fact that Disney has partnered with "Zebra Youth," an organization that works to provide content, activities, and entertainment to "homeless and at-risk LGBT youth" as young as 12 years of age. This partnership has flown under the public's radar for some time, though Disney seems to be very enthusiastic with Zebra Youth's work behind the scenes. 

This is a continuing investigation of Disney by OMG, who previously released footage of one of Disney's executives alleging Disney's racist hiring and promoting practices within the company. When O'Keefe confronted the man, he ran away. 


(READ: Disney VP Flees in His Tesla When Confronted by James O'Keefe Over Professed Racist Hiring Practices)

While this exposure of Disney's internal communications may make it look worse to the American people, Disney's employees have proven to be unabashedly driven to push LGBT content onto children. There will likely not be a lot of shame to go around within the company for this information getting out, as they will likely be proud of their work. Disney has been taken over by ideologues according to whistleblowers who have also talked about Disney's increase in leftist radicalism within. 

(READ: Disney Whistleblower Claims Conservative Employees Were Targeted While Woke Employees Were Rewarded)

RedState will continue keeping up with these reports as they're released by OMG. 


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