
Our Children Are Being Weakened While Our Enemies Are Strengthening Theirs

AP Photo/Nomaan Merchant

I've made it no secret that I have a strong prejudice against our public school system. It's my firm belief that it's been infiltrated by more activists and special interest groups than you can count. The Gordian knot of backdoor money going through the system, and the teachers unions that control things, would take years to untie, which is why I've always been an advocate of just destroying it with a proverbial sword. 

Get rid of the federal Department of Education and be done with it--for good.

Because our schools have become so infested with bad money and politics, America's children are constantly subjected to the whims of the insane and radical. On the front page of RedState on any given day, you'll likely come across a story about a school abusing the naivete of children in order to brainwash them into radicalism themselves, oftentimes behind the parents' backs. 

As Mike Miller reported on Friday, a school in Connecticut put a tampon dispenser in the boy's bathroom. The dispenser was immediately torn down and the boys who did it were punished and called "immature." I fail to see how the boys were immature in comparison to a bunch of grown adults who think boys need tampons when they lack the necessary plumbing for that to happen, but it just goes to show you how ridiculous our schools have gotten. 

READ: Tampon Dispenser Installed in High School Boys' Bathroom Destroyed Less Than 20 Minutes Later

It's clear that our kids are being slowly turned into little useful idiots more suited for the protest in the street than the lab or the office. They want us to fight over what is and isn't a woman and celebrate LGBT Pride month more than learning about Einstein's theories or even how to read. 

It's a sad state of affairs that should horrify everyone in America.

What's even more horrifying, however, is the fact that our enemies aren't having this issue. In China, schools are teaching their students how to understand complicated mathematics and science at a young age. While it's true that the communist country has its own insane issues, it seems to refuse to let its citizenry become stupid in STEM. 

Even look at TikTok. The dance crazes, celebrity gossip, and radical ideological nonsense that we have here in the stats are banned there, and the youth are given TikToks about things that actually make them smarter. 

Not only that, they're teaching their youth military tactics. In fact, it's not uncommon for Chinese children to be encouraged to be militarily competent and celebrate military heroes. They even have boot camp for kids

To be clear, I'm not advocating that we subject our children to the same rigidity that the Chinese put their children through, but we clearly need a reprioritization of what our children are learning because soon the hammer is going to fall--and the only thing we'll have to help defend our nation is a bunch of squibs capable of only nothing. 

We need to do something about our corrupt and useless education system. A mass reorganization needs to happen, and investigations need to occur to root out the corruption. The Department of Education needs to be destroyed, and educational policies and standards left up to the municipalities where the schools exist. 

We need a quick exit from the path we're on now because we're going to collapse from the inside if we don't--and it'll be thanks to the fact that our children were given over to useful idiots to be turned into useful idiots themselves. 


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