
Funny How Transgenderism Isn't Usually About Transgenderism

AP Photo/Armando Franca

It's a pretty well-known fact among the general populace that transgenderism hardly ever is. Most claims of transgenderism come from the young, and while they might indulge the idea of being "gender fluid" for a time, most eventually grow out of it. Some don't, sadly, and they maintain the idea that they are transgender. 

In fact, some people make it their entire personality, and it's these people I want to focus on. 

Transgenderism isn't a mental disorder in the medical sense. As I've talked about in greater detail in the video below, transgenderism and gender dysphoria are not the same. Gender dysphoria is an actual mental illness, while transgenderism qualifies more as a political mind virus. 

The people who delve deeply into the mind virus are doing it for other reasons than "being their authentic selves" and "living their truth." You can usually tell what they're really after through their embrace of their trans identity by their actions.

Dylan Mulvaney, for instance, has been very addicted to the spotlight for ages, and he has a track record of doing anything he can to get it. Long before he identified as a "girl" and triggered a boycott that brought Bud Light to its knees, Mulvaney could be seen on stage doing any number of things, from singing to appearing in the buff. He once made it onto the "Price Is Right" and, after winning a game, spent a good deal of time dancing for the camera. 

Then he figured out that transgenderism gets you a lot of attention and became a transgender TikTok influencer, and that's paid off for him in droves. He is now at the center of attention for many people, businesses, and news organizations. Everything he does is used to get attention, including his self-victimization. 

If tomorrow it turned out that transgenderism is no longer in and no one cared about transgenderism, then Mulvaney would likely ditch it and embrace whatever identity put him back in the spotlight. Mulvaney isn't transgender; he just has a very aggressive need for attention. 

Then there's Tommy Dorfman. You recently learned about him through a video of a Delta employee who firmly but professionally told Dorfman that if he continued speaking to him condescendingly about his pronouns, then Dorfman would be escorted out of the airport and he would miss his flight. 

Dorfman's behavior is very typical of many interactions you've seen with angry transgender people. They make demands while using their transgenderism as leverage to exert pressure. The "IT'S MA'AM" crowd knows they can get away with this behavior because, should push come to shove, corporations and major media outlets will side with them. Even if the people don't side with them as a majority, the big movers and shakers will. 

Dorfman seemed to rely on this with his interaction with the Delta employee. When the Delta employee told Dorfman he was being condescending, Dorfman made the unmistakable "ooh" sound of someone who truly believes his opponent is in trouble. The Delta employee eventually exerted enough power over Dorfman by raising the prospect of taking his flight away from him, causing him to back down, but Dorfman truly believed he had the upper hand until then. 

For Dorfman, like many transgender people, his transgenderism is clearly about control. In this case, it's control over people. They have to obey him or risk angering him, and angering him could result in a video of you going viral on the internet and your life being destroyed. 

Both Mulvaney and Dorfman claim to be transgender, but their transgenderism is just a tool. A means to an end. If there wasn't any advantage to being transgender in helping them get what they really want, they likely wouldn't be transgender at all. 

This could possibly apply to many people who claim to be transgender. There are many reasons why someone would want to identify as such, such as wanting to belong or not be a social pariah, but there are definitely nefarious reasons as well. 

But after observing transgenderism for some time, I think the point is very rarely ever a sense of gender dysphoria. It's about what that individual can get out of transgenderism. 

Transgenderism is hardly the point of transgenderism. 


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