
What Is Behind the Simp Problem?

AP Photo/Jessica Hill

You've likely heard of the term "simp" by now, but for those who need an introduction to the concept, a "simp" is typically a word given to a man who develops a parasocial attachment to an online figure, usually a woman. 

In fact, you'll find that women have managed to turn simping into a multi-million dollar industry with one of these women, Kaitlyn Siragusa (aka Amouranth) purchasing over 2,000 acres in Florida for $17 million with the intention of challenging Bill Gates for most farmland ownership. 

I wish Amouranth all success in keeping farmland out of Gates's grasp, but the fact that an OnlyFans/Kick streaming star can challenge the father of Microsoft in a landgrab contest highlights just how deep the simp industry goes and how lucrative it can be. Moreover, while I wish the results of simping were always so beneficial for the country, the problem is that simping is an ultimately destructive thing for society. If anything, it's certainly indicative of something having gone wrong. 

Simps are just the modern version of the guys who went to a strip club multiple times a week because they were convinced that the stripper actually liked them. Now, instead of heading out to visit the stripper, all the man has to do is tune into the woman's chosen medium and the simp can pretend from the comfort of his home. 

But these women have an advantage over the strippers in that instead of just collecting the money their simps leave them, they can also market other things. Andrea Mew over at Evie Magazine wrote up a very good article about the simp marketing phenomenon and how it's evolved in just a short time: 

Unsociable men, young and old, who have been raised to be castrated, emasculated versions of themselves then find themselves bankrolling the simp marketing economy because they’ve fallen into the trap of fanservice. Fanservice is material, often sexual in nature, that is intentionally added to works of fiction to please the audience. You’ll often see it used in East Asian fan culture like the K-Pop industry or, like in this case, anime-adjacent content. Essentially, sex sells, but this brand of sex has a more innocent allure than run-of-the-mill, raunchy pornography. 

Have you noticed how this coquettish, bimbo-like aesthetic that Delphine and even Amouranth adopt to entice their male audience has gone mainstream? Earlier this year, TikTok was overrun by NPC streamers like PinkyDoll or Cherry Crush and copycats followed suit. The trend warranted enough attention to get coverage in The Washington Post, NBC, CBS, and many more legacy news publications.

The question many people eventually ask is how a man becomes a simp. That, in itself, isn't hard to deduce when you take a look at the wider cultural landscape. It's a multi-faceted problem ranging from economics to the corporate left's frowning at masculinity. 

First, we need to take a look at the business environment where modernity has infected every corporation with DEI requirements. Corporations that look too male in the meeting room will get dinged, not just by activist groups with direct ties to investment firms, but by other corporations they do business with. The rush to bring more women into top-level, high-paying positions has been striking, and while having equality of the sexes is great in the office, it's not so great in the dating world. 

Women are naturally attracted to men who can provide and take care of them, and while there's nothing wrong with that as this is what nature intended, this becomes an issue when the woman makes a good living herself. Most of these women will become a lot more picky with their men, choosing men who make more money than them. 

This creates two problems. Due to the increasing demand and lower availability of wealthy men, women are often left successful in business but unsuccessful in partnership as wealthier men become a rare prize in a very large pool of competition. On the other side, men who aren't as wealthy are disqualified from partnership by these career women who make more than the men. 

This leaves a lot of poorer men who will find ways to quench their loneliness in various ways. 

For men, loneliness is a two-fold ordeal. There's the lack of someone to care for and protect, and the lack of someone to mate with. When these two feelings are irreconcilable, they combine into feelings of insufficiency and incapability, which can and do drive men to suicide. So they become desperate to fill these needs in any way they can. 

Instead of facing rejection by more women which could exacerbate these feelings, or in too many cases, become entangled in a relationship with a woman infected with modern feminism that leaves more scars than not, men take the path of least resistance and choose a parasocial relationship with a woman they'll never meet. 

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They can scratch several itches, including feeling like a provider with their donations. Personalized messages from the woman in question (the more popular women pay stand-ins to handle their messages for them) give them a feeling of having a personal relationship. Moreover, many women provide sexual gratification through pictures and videos offered through subscriptions. 

These men even get to scratch the "protector" itch by going after anyone who attacks their chosen content creator online.

For quite a few women, attracting simps isn't hard to do. There are plenty out there in today's day and age, and all it takes is a willingness to debase yourself in some way, shape, or form. Adopting anything from cute yet sexy aesthetics to just letting it all hang out is incredibly common. You can head to right now and see a slew of women doing exactly this.

YouTuber "ItsAGundam" recently did a video about the state of the simp industry on Twitch that can show you how far women have now gone to attract simps and their simp dollars. 

Simping is an issue that men should not fall into, but it's an ever-widening pit in an age where modernized women are too often insufferable at best and dangerous at worst, and the economics of dating do no favors to either sex as more and more women are brought into higher positions in the business world with reckless abandon. 

Not only are men choosing what is effectively a fake relationship for a short-term reprieve from feelings of insufficiency, but it's also teaching women that all they need to do to get attention and success is to take their tops off and pretend to care about the men who inevitably look. 


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