
If the Media Thinks Being Healthy Is 'Far Right' Then What Does That Say About Leftist Values?

(AP Photo/Lisa Rathke)

Are you healthy? Do you try to eat well and stay in shape? Take your vitamins and go on walks? Are you not a fat blue-haired whale who breaks out into a sweat just thinking about moving from the couch to the bathroom?

If so, then you might be an alt-right white supremacist racist homophobe.

According to MSNBC’s Cynthia Miller-Idriss, the “far-right” utilized the pandemic to get people into staying in shape and become fascists:

Earlier this month, researchers reported that a network of online “fascist fitness” chat groups on the encrypted platform Telegram are recruiting and radicalizing young men with neo-Nazi and white supremacist extremist ideologies. Initially lured with health tips and strategies for positive physical changes, new recruits are later invited to closed chat groups where far-right content is shared.

Physical fitness has always been central to the far right. In “Mein Kampf,” Hitler fixated on boxing and jujitsu, believing they could help him create an army of millions whose aggressive spirit and impeccably trained bodies, combined with “fanatical love of the fatherland,” would do more for the German nation than any “mediocre” tactical weapons training.

That’s right. If you’re trying to be physically fit, you’re just like Hitler.

A few things. Let’s say that a few groups popped up that combine physical fitness and adherence to Nazi ideals. Firstly, that doesn’t make them right-wing. Nazism is a leftist idea on the American political spectrum as socialism — even national socialism — is a leftist position.

Secondly, if these groups do exist then they exist in such small numbers that they can hardly be counted as a real issue. The absolute panic the left attempts to sell the populace over Nazis seems pretty Chicken Little-esque given that Nazis are so few and far between. Even the Nazi groups that pop up from time to time have all the earmarks of being fake.

(READ: How to Spot a Fake Protest)

But third, and most importantly of all, what is Miller-Idriss, and indeed the leftist media in general, implying? That there’s an inherent nefariousness in fitness? That the masculine urge to be strong is too much of a modern sin and that it will lead to a race war? That seems to be what Miller-Idriss is implying:

The intersection of extremism and fitness leans into a shared obsession with the male body, training, masculinity, testosterone, strength and competition. Physical fitness training, especially in combat sports, appeals to the far right for many reasons: fighters are trained to accept significant physical pain, to be “warriors,” and to embrace messaging around solidarity, heroism, and brotherhood. It’s championed as a tool to help fight the “coming race war” and the street battles that will precede it. Recruits are encouraged to link individual moral virtues such as willpower, decisiveness and courage, with desired collective traits such as virility and manliness. This also works in reverse, with white supremacists encouraging potential recruits or activists to stay in good physical shape as a way of managing self-presentation to the public. The neo-Nazi blogger Andrew Anglin advised his followers that “fat people” should be required to commit to losing weight if they are to stay involved with groups or in-person gatherings, noting that “continued obesity should not be tolerated.”

Here’s the kicker. If it’s far right to be healthy, then I guess being unhealthy is a leftist value.

We live at a time when the left is currently pushing body positivity at every opportunity. Unhealthy body styles are being promoted left and right in everything from sports magazines to celebrity gossip influencer accounts on social media. How many times have you been told Lizzo is beautiful, sexy, and healthy just over the past year?

So we’re to accept unhealthy lifestyles and be okay with being fat but the moment you try to give yourself a healthier body, a better physique, and more energy, you’re giving yourself over to extremism?

The only conclusion you can come to is that the left wants you unhealthy and susceptible to ailments. Sick people seek help, and that help can be lucrative if utilized in just the right way, especially if the people seeking help are poor and in need of assistance to get that medical aid.

As I’ve written previously, the left’s tactic is to keep you living in a state of fear, but they can’t make you afraid of being healthy. What they have to do in order to keep you disadvantaged in some way is make you afraid of how you’ll be perceived if you are healthy. Putting out the idea that healthy people are secretly far-right fascists who hate everybody who isn’t white, straight, and male could make more than a few people feel uncomfortable with looking like they spend a decent amount of time on a treadmill.

One has to ask oneself why the left is constantly trying to make people weaker, unhealthy, vulnerable, poorer, and unhappy. It’s almost as if they want you wholly dependent on something.


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