Just last month, numbers showed that Democrats were losing any kind of foothold they had over Florida as its registration numbers continued to shrink by leaps and bounds. It was one of the few remaining glimmers of hope in the state of DeSantis, and now they’re watching helplessly as it shrinks to nothing. The once purple battleground state of Florida is becoming a very deep red as Democrats lead in registration by only 24,000 voters.
(READ: Democrats Are Watching Helplessly as Their Influence Over Florida Is Destroyed)
But the news is even worse. It seems other battleground states are seeing more red creep in than blue as registration numbers tank around the country.
According to The Hill, swing states are noticing a trend of shrinking Democrat registration numbers including Pennsylvania and North Carolina:
In Pennsylvania, Democrats now lead Republicans in voter registration by about 632,000 people, down from 813,885 two years ago. The same is true in another battleground state, North Carolina, where Democrats’ advantage has shrunk by more than 140,000 since October 2019. There are fewer active registered Democrats on the books in North Carolina now than there were six years ago.
This spells major trouble for Democrats going into 2022, especially since more than just the registration factor is at play here. As The Hill noted, Republicans have some help they didn’t previously have coming down the line:
For one, Republican voters tend to turn out at a higher rate than their Democratic counterparts. At the same time, restrictive new voting laws pushed by GOP-controlled legislatures in states like Florida, Georgia and Arizona have unnerved Democrats, who fear that the voting measures could have an adverse effect on their turnout next year.
There are other reasons for Democrats to worry as well. The party of a new president typically loses seats in the midterm elections, and President Biden has seen his approval rating slip in recent weeks amid a summer surge in COVID-19 infections and the chaotic withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan.
Republicans also hold the edge in redistricting, given that the GOP controls the legislatures in states like Florida, Texas and North Carolina, all three of which will add seats to their congressional delegations next year.
That’s not mentioning the Republican’s momentum and enthusiasm for the upcoming midterm elections. Usually, after a loss as devastating as the one Republicans suffered in 2020, infighting and hopelessness rule the day, but not this time. An overwhelming sense that something was wrong with the outcome and that Democrats fought dirty have inspired Republicans and conservatives into action. Moreover, the continued show of incompetence and weakness by the Democrats have only emboldened the right to mount an effective offense against the Democrats much like a pride of lions target a wounded wildebeest.
A September Morning Consult-Politico poll showed 58 percent Republicans were “extremely” or “very” enthusiastic about voting, up ten points since July. Democrats were less-so, but only slightly, at 54 percent. These numbers are likely going to trend in opposite directions as the midterms approach.

Moreover, if Democrats were hoping to find solace in the fact that they’re making states like Arizona and Texas increasingly purple, then they should probably not get their hopes up. Areas in Texas that Democrats thought they had on lockdown have gone Republican, and the Hispanic vote continues to trend to the right.
(READ: Democrats Continue to Lose Ground in Texas as Hispanic Voters Turn Their Back on the Left)
Meanwhile, in Arizona, Kyrsten Sinema’s maverick (read moderate) behavior that constantly gives her own increasingly extremist party a massive headache is more popular than her more obedient fellow Democrats in the state according to the Washington Examiner:
In the survey, Sinema enjoyed a plus-7% favorable rating of 46% favorable/39% unfavorable, putting her in a better position politically than Mark Kelly, the Grand Canyon State’s other Democratic senator. Kelly, who is not blocking the reconciliation package and is not defined as a centrist in the same vein as Sinema, is plus-4%, at 47% favorable/43% unfavorable. Kelly’s favorables with Republican voters and independents were negative-53% and negative-1%, respectively. And Sinema?
She was plus-6% with independents and only negative-9% with Republicans.

So even their new battlegrounds aren’t battlegrounds.
For Democrats, these coming elections are looking increasingly disastrous.
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