Kyle Rittenhouse’s now-famous night in Kenosha, Wisconsin, has a lot of questions and accusations surrounding it but his attorney John Pierce appeared on Fox News’s Tucker Carlson Tonight to clear up a lot of the misconception and all-out lies about Rittenhouse and his actions.
Pierce described Rittenhouse as a “good kid” who acted in self-defense. He described the 17-year-old’s day before the night fell where he was forced to shoot three people who were attempting to attack him, including helping clean up graffiti and treat the injured.
One of the first things Pierce clears up is that the weapon Rittenhouse had in his position wasn’t illegal at all as many have claimed.
“The firearm never crossed state lines,” Pierce said, correcting Carlson who thought it did.
“That is a legal firearm in the state of Wisconsin. Wisconsin is an open-carry state. That charge is incorrect as a matter of state law,” continued Pierce.
Pierce described the timeline of what happened that night.
“There was a shot that was fired as Kyle was retreating, actually, from a mob that had become enraged that he was trying to put out the fires that the arsonists had set because he was trying to protect property,” Pierce said.
“They began screaming that Kyle needed to be killed and they were going to kill him. They started relentlessly hunting him as prey as he ran down the street attempting to retreat,” Pierce continued. “As he ran out of room to retreat, shots were fired from behind him.”
“He fired and disarmed the individual, hitting him in the arm,” Pierce said.
“He shot and killed the other person who was attacking him,” Pierce told Carlson, “and I got to tell you, if you really think about this, Tucker, in this war zone, in this chaos that is occurring in this city in America in the middle of Wisconsin, Kyle — the only individuals that Kyle shot were the three individuals that were attacking him and putting him at risk of serious bodily harm or death.”
Carlson added that the man carrying a handgun that Rittenhouse shot in the arm was not charged.
“He shot that man in the arm and the man backed off. That man survived. That man has not been charged,” Carlson said. “He came at a 17-year-old with a gun. Why has he not been charged?”
Pierce added more questions to Carlson’s.
“Here is the question that I have Tucker: where are the charges for aggravated assault against Kyle Rittenhouse … and where are the charges against the people who are funding this activity and who are financing it?” Pierce asked.
Pierce made it very clear that the 17-year-old acted purely in self-defense and judging from the videos that have been widely circulated on the internet, it’s hard to argue against that. Any question of illegality on Rittenhouse’s part in terms of gun possession has now been thrown out the window.
As it stands, Rittenhouse seems to have acted well within the bounds of the law. Media outlets like NPR are claiming that there is no evidence that the actions he took that night were in self-defense despite the available video evidence.
Rittenhouse is currently facing charges. These include first-degree murder and reckless homicide.
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