I feel like this needs to be said because I can’t let New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez walk away with a victim card after her interaction with Florida Rep. Ted Yoho.
Of the two of them, AOC is the worst offender in terms of rudeness and unprofessionalism.
For those of you who don’t know the story, AOC and Yoho crossed paths outside of the capitol where Yoho tore into AOC over trying to sell the idea to the people that unemployment was causing crime rates to soar in New York City. Yoho called her “disgusting” and “out of your freaking mind.”
AOC responded by calling Yoho “rude” to which he reportedly called her a “f**king b**ch,” or so AOC claims.
AOC later said that she’d never had that happen before and that she’s “never had that kind of abrupt, disgusting kind of disrespect levied at me.”
It should be noted that Yoho’s office holds that he never made that comment toward AOC, but did say a certain word that summed up a lot of AOC’s claims and positions.
“It sounds better for the Hill newspaper and gets more media attention to say he called her a name – which he did not do. It is unfortunate that Rep. Ocasio-Cortez is using this exchange to gain personal attention. Instead, he made a brief comment to himself as he walked away summarizing what he believes her polices to be: bullshit,” Yoho’s office said according to The Daily Caller.
In terms of professionalism, Yoho was indeed wrong to call her that, if he did. A much wittier comeback would have actually put him in the right, but calling her what he did isn’t really going to win him points no matter how much people agree with him on the subject. He’s a sitting member of congress and should act like one.
That said…
I’m not about to sit here and pretend that AOC is a victim in any way. I just want to go over some of the things that AOC has done during her time in office that make calling someone a name look tame in comparison.
Keep in mind, these are just some of the things she’s done. This list is not exhaustive and would be out of date the moment it published anyway.
Firstly, Ocasio-Cortez refused to condemn the Antifa firebombing incident carried out at an ICE facility in Washington State, even though the attacker used AOC’s direct verbiage in his manifesto. Let’s be clear. A terrorist attack was carried out against innocent officers and Ocasio-Cortez, a sitting member of our government, would not condemn the Antifa member when asked point-blank if she would.
Secondly, in a stunning show of both ignorance and racism, Ocasio-Cortez blamed white men for — and I’m not kidding — creating a hurricane that killed her grandfather.
“[T]he people that are producing climate change, the folks that are responsible for the largest amount of emissions, or communities, or corporations, they tend to be predominantly white, correct?” she asked at a hearing of the House Oversight and Government Reform subcommittee on civil rights and civil liberties.
“My own grandfather died in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria,” said AOC of 2017s Hurricane Maria. “We can’t act as though the inertia and history of colonization doesn’t play a role in this.”
This is nothing but a rejection of science in favor of pushing racist nonsense. What Ocasio-Cortez did in this moment should have been condemned from every news outlet, blog, and personal conversation, yet she was given a pass because she’s a radical Democrat. There’s nothing here that’s not absolutely disgusting.
Let’s also not forget that the Democrat’s darling attempted to fundraise for the Antifa chapter of Boston in order to pay their bail after being arrested by police for attempting to do violence against the straight pride parade. The list of those arrested was rather long and many of them had charges such as “assault with a deadly weapon.”
Boston PD has released log of arrested individuals from Saturday’s antifa counter-protest against the Straight Pride. They face an array of charges including battery of officers & assault using a dangerous weapon. Congresswomen AOC & A. Pressley expressed support for protesters. pic.twitter.com/OXAiIk2aWK
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) September 2, 2019
What did AOC do? She joined a member of “The Squad” in tweeting out a fundraiser to help bail out these violent criminals.
One way to support the local LGBTQ community impacted by Boston’s white supremacist parade?
Contribute to the Bail Fund for the activists who put themselves on the line protecting the Boston community:https://t.co/z2NRSqHMve
(Any $ left over goes to @MassBailFund+@Boston_GLASS) https://t.co/G9xhIda6sF
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) September 1, 2019
The straight pride parade was 100 percent peaceful yet the left, as it does, wanted to do violence against them for daring to speak out in favor of traditional marriage. Ocasio-Cortez not only condoned the violence but attempted to help them stay out of jail with her compliments.
Let’s keep going with a few quick reminders.
AOC stopped Amazon from bringing thousands of jobs to New York and was actually proud of that fact.
She cheered the loss of thousands of Americans losing their jobs in the oil and gas sector.
She refused to help migrants at the border then proceeded to accuse Republicans of not helping them because of their racism. This was after she had a photo op where she fake cried over the treatment of migrant children at the sight of an empty parking lot.
Speaking of the border, she accused border patrol officials of “deliberately” caging children in order to “inject them with drugs” because of where they came from.
She also compared the detainment of children at the border to the holocaust, just to make it clear that the US isn’t far from Nazi Germany, a comparison the Jewish community did not appreciate.
This is just a few samplings from the list of things AOC has done that make her a disgusting individual, and what’s more, makes Yoho supposedly calling her a “f**king b**ch” look tame by comparison. Ocasio-Cortez has been overtly racist, purposefully misleading, and openly hateful.
As far as I’m concerned, Yoho is far from being the villain in this story.