Saying “all lives matter” comes with consequences. You’ll be told that saying the words is an act of ignorance, shallowness, and possibly even racism.
Rachel Cargle wrote a piece for Bazaar in 2019 that kind of summed up the argument against saying “all lives matter” in a single paragraph:
But as the Black Lives Matter movement emerged, they were all of a sudden jolted into an awareness of the intersection of race and surviving police encounters. Instead of exploring the reasons why a movement like this would even be necessary, many have a knee jerk reaction. “What about me?” “All lives matter,” they cry. “Why be divisive and unfair, what about our safety?” The point these people miss is that the majority of experiences here in America already tend to center and highlight whiteness and cater to its safety. The country was built to function that way. Its roots of white supremacy and the marginalized concern for people of color has remained.
Many perfectly reasonable people on both sides of the political spectrum found that sentiment understandable if not a tad misguided. For one, this country wasn’t founded ON white supremacy, though it did exist. People forget that our country started with slaves but that our founding fathers purposefully laid down the foundations for our country to rid itself of slavery down the line. Our nation was founded on the ideal of equality and despite Democrat’s best efforts, we’ve made leaps and bounds toward that goal.
The problem we’ve come face to face with, however, is that the good and virtuous sentiment that black lives matter has been utilized as a mask and recruiting tool for radical entities in our society. Every time it’s chanted in large groups and reposted on social media, the stock in “Black Lives Matter” the institution goes up.
As I’ve written in further detail before, Black Lives Matter the institution is not good or virtuous. It’s hardly an organization concerned with black lives and its primary goal revolves more around the destruction and collapse of our current system and the institution of failed Marxian systems.
(READ: “Black Lives Matter” Is Preying on America’s Belief That Black Lives Matter)
The truth is, one can say “all lives matter” and still refer to the subject of black lives. Those who chant “all lives matter” seem to be willing to delve into subjects that many leftists don’t want to delve into for fear that doing so would expose a lot of issues with their policies and leadership.
Meanwhile, those who would force you to chant “black lives matter” only seem to care about specific instances of black lives being taken or suffering. It has to meet certain criteria before it’s even considered something it wants to make a national issue about.
What’s more, those who say “all lives matter” certainly seem willing to embrace a realistic look at our society that would have racism wiped out wherever it exists, not just from certain groups.
The truth is that the phrase “black lives matter” has been co-opted, compromised, and used as a tool to enact some of the most hateful and destructive actions born on society in the last decade. It’s been the excuse many rioters have used to dismiss the looting of stores and the brutal violence toward innocent people.
The hard truth is that those who would have you shout “black lives matter” want, as actor Terry Crews recently pointed out, “black lives superior.” In America, we don’t have room for that kind of racism.
All lives matter. If we all chant that, then far more healing will come to our nation. One thing is for sure. We can’t keep chanting the slogan of a radical organization trying to utilize your goodwill as a corruptable source of power.