Fox News gets a lot of hate from the left. One of the more popular criticisms that it gets is that it’s a channel that only old people tend to watch. New data, however, makes that assumption an inaccurate one, too.
According to Outkick, Fox News’s through-the-roof ratings also include a hefty chunk of viewers in the 25-54 key demographic, making its audience a bit younger than many anticipated:
Critics of Fox News will say its demographic is older and not as important. Nope. Fox News also led the competition in the adults 25-54 demographic, the key demo. The top six shows of the quarter in that demo came from Fox News: Tucker Carlson Tonight (791,000), Hannity (
754,000), Special Report (668,00), The Five (655,000) and The Ingraham Angle (655,000), and The Story (603,000). Same in the mornings, as Fox and Friends continues to win in total and in the key demographic on both weekdays and weekends.
This isn’t necessarily surprising. Fox News has been number one in the ratings for years against CNN, with Sean Hannity usually taking the top spot. As my colleague Sister Toldja reported, he was dethroned by Tucker Carlson who brought in 20,000 more viewers than Hannity last quarter, gifting Fox News its highest ratings in history.
(READ: The Real Reason Tucker Carlson Is So Appealing)
What does this mean?
It’s not good news for Democrats who have been putting decades on decades worth of time and effort into perfecting the art of harnessing the youth. Their approach, crafted by their fascistic and Marxist forebearers, puts great emphasis on convincing the inexperienced and moldable youth that their ideas are the only good ideas and that anyone who believes otherwise is pure evil.
Fox News has always represented the epitome of this evil to many on the left.
Hearing that Fox News has captured the attention of those whom they thought they had raised since childhood to hate isn’t going to be very good for their morale. Moreover, and more importantly, it doesn’t speak well for their future.
The more people that are watching Carlson, the fewer people they can fool into believing whatever narrative they need to push in order to get their way.
It’s going to be difficult to convince everyone that the riots and Antifa are the good guys when the people they rely on to carry their message are getting the real story. It’s going to be hard to make people vote for Joe Biden when the people in the age group they thought they owned are getting to see the side of him that the mainstream media is refusing to highlight.
It’s unlikely that Fox News is going to give up its throne anytime soon, but that will because Fox News is presenting programming that tells the entirety of the story, not just what one political or ideological side wants you to see. While it’s not a perfect network, it’s the best one America has.
This is easily reflected in the total amount of viewers it gets daily.
Of course, when your main competition is CNN, a network that calls Americans terrorists based on their skin color and gender, and tries to fool you into believing their anchors are moral examples when they’re clearly blatant liars, it’s easy to be the most-watched channel in cable news.
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