CHAZ is the ultimate result of Democratic leadership and its addition to Seattle’s crime rate shows it.
It was all socialist fun and Marxist games according to Democrats and the media, but the truth is that the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone or “CHAZ” (which was renamed to CHOP because reasons) was a filthy hub of degenerate criminals who lived up to their moniker.
According to the New York Post, Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan’s decision to order the city’s police force to withdraw left the handful of city blocks open to whatever crime these would-be revolutionaries wanted to commit. The result was far from surprising:
Durkan’s emergency order booting protesters from the six-block cop-free zone makes mention of the “narcotics use and violent crime, including rape, robbery, assault, and increased gang activity” within the CHOP since it first emerged in early June.
June 2 to June 30 saw the 525 percent jump in crime compared to the same period last year.
It includes “22 additional incidents, in person-related crime in the area, to include two additional homicides, 6 additional robberies, and 16 additional aggravated assaults (to include 2 additional non-fatal shootings),” Durkan’s order on Tuesday says.
Luckily, CHAZ has now been demolished and the peace restored. It was a swift turnaround decision from Durkan that finally saw to it that the trigger was pulled on its closure. What’s more, this came after Durkan had been dragging her feet on closing it, even after the homicides.
Police have cleared #CHOP to Pike @KING5Seattle pic.twitter.com/0GUSkZkFA0
— Michael Crowe (@MichaelReports) July 1, 2020
What caused her to finally send in the police?
CHAZ had turned their attention to Durkan’s home and marched en masse to her doorstep with City Councilmember Kshama Sawant according to KING5-TV:
Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant joined a large group of protesters outside the CHOP zone who marched to Durkan’s house on Sunday afternoon.
One of the demonstrators said, “We came down to Jenny Durkan’s mansion to bring the demands of the movement and of the families who have been impacted by police violence to her doorstep as she seems to not be able to hear our demands any other way.”
So even after the deaths, the crime, and the hostile takeover within her own city, Durkan moves to act only after these people she deemed to be innocent protesters showed up at her own doorstep.
Let's see: six shootings, two teenage deaths, and @MayorJenny still says "it's an arts festival". THEN, the CHAZ threatens to take over her 5,000 sq ft house worth $7.6 million after her new addition. A DAY LATER, she brings in the police, "end the chaos!" #Leadership #Comedy
— James Altucher (@jaltucher) July 1, 2020
Eventually, reality catches up.
The Seattle Mayor, and many Democrats for that matter, will go far in attempting to paint what are clearly violent criminals as innocent freedom fighters acting in the good of society, but oftentimes do that while keeping these people they’re cheerleading at arm’s length.
Everyone from Hollywood elitists in Beverly Hills to Democrat politicians seems to have the temerity to tell you that all of these people they supposedly champion are making this world a better place but when these same people begin entering into their territory, they begin demanding that they stay away.
(READ: The Virtue Signaling Residents of Beverly Hills Told BLM Protesters to Stay Away)
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