Facebook and its CEO Mark Zuckerberg like to pretend that they’re a free speech platform that takes no political position and judges content fairly. James O’Keefe’s latest Project Veritas sting proves that this is a bald-faced lie.
As is Project Veritas’s way, several people were sent to infiltrate the offices of Facebook where they proceeded to let the employees expose themselves with little prompting. This is all backed up by a Facebook insider named Zach McElroy who interviews with Project Veritas, confirming the footage that was captured of various employees blatantly bragging and admitting that they target conservatives and Trump supporters for censorship.
“It’s a very progressive company who’s very anti-MAGA,” said Steve Grimmett, identified as a team lead for content review.
Throughout the video, you see PV infiltrators ask Facebook employees if they delete conservative posts and the answer is usually an emphatic yes.
“Yes!” says one woman. “I don’t give no f**ks. I’ll delete it.”
McElroy noted that upwards of 75 to 80 percent of posts qued up for deletion were conservative posts. He says that while bots may do the bulk of the deletion of conservatives posts, the algorithm responsible was created by and implemented by humans.
Judging by the overtly gung-ho reactions to silencing conservatives by Facebook employees throughout the video, the human element was only too happy to let the bot take to deleting a certain ideological position.
To give you an idea of just how one-sided it is. The picture of someone slicing Donald Trump’s throat with the message “f**k Trump” next to it, was tagged as safe for Facebook. Meanwhile, a picture of Elmer Fudd shooting Beto O’Rourke in cartoonish fashion was deemed unsafe.
Another incident brought up by O’Keefe was the ABC/Amy Robach hot mic moment surrounding a buried Jeffrey Epstein story. Facebook mysteriously tagged this as a post that required deletion despite being a newsworthy event. The “newsworthy event” excuse is often used to keep posts up that would normally otherwise come down, such as CNN’s Don Lemon labeling white men as the biggest terrorist threat in America.
McElroy can’t find a discernable reason why Facebook’s bots would target the PV page’s post on Robach while not taking down Lemon’s.
Moreover, Grimmett admits that while they can’t necessarily silence Trump on the platform, they do practice silencing anyone who repeats what he says.
“And that’s – that’s the fortunate thing, is even if he does say something if it gets repeated, we can at least get the average Joe,” Grimmett says while being secretly filmed.
As the 20-minute report goes on you see a constant pattern of attacking regular citizens for pro-Trump or conservative posts, and those doing it seem very proud of the fact that they’re doing it. This tendency to delete posts they admit they aren’t supposed to go up when they know they’re being laid off as many content moderators express during the course of the video.
It’s unclear just how far this has gone as PV’s sting likely only covers a small portion of the moderation that goes on at Facebook. Judging by previous stings on other Silicon Valley social media empires, this isn’t a small problem and it’s definitely not just relegated to Facebook.
The question now has to be asked whether or not Facebook is actively interfering in elections, and what’s more, if Facebook can be considered a platform when it’s clearly conducting a publisher-like activity.
What’s more, the question of what can be done about it needs to be asked, and whether or not any of our elected leaders will move to bring this censorship of the American people to heel.
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