Eric Trump was lambasted for his claim that after November 3 but I’m pretty sure he isn’t wrong, and we can be sure of that thanks to all the clues we have in front of us.
Trump made his comments while on Fox News with Judge Jeanine, noting that the social distancing rules are a perfect situation for Democrats since it allows them to hide Biden away from public rallies where he’s more likely to make gaffes while simultaneously depriving Trump of his energizing rallies.
Trump said that once the election is said and done, the virus will become a nothing-burger with cheese.
“They’ll milk it every single day between now and Nov. 3, and guess what, after Nov. 3, coronavirus will magically all of a sudden go away and disappear,” said Trump.
"Biden loves this," @EricTrump says, talking about agonizing shutdowns during the pandemic… "They'll milk it every single day between now and Nov. 3, and guess what, after Nov. 3, coronavirus will magically all of a sudden go away and disappear… " pic.twitter.com/WS0CPQMtsj
— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) May 17, 2020
The lack of public appearances for both President Donald Trump and former VP Joe Biden is definitely a boon for Democrats but the larger point here is the virus’s shelf life as a mainstream issue.
As I’ve written previously, it’s clear that keeping places in lockdown at this point is a waste of time and that the left’s enthusiasm for it has less to do with keeping people safe and healthy and more to do with the fact that keeping the economy in a state of arrest is hurtful to Trump’s chances at reelection:
I do know that ever since reelection in 2020 became a topic of conversation, President Donald Trump’s economy has always been his strongest draw. Even people who don’t like him personally are more than willing to pull the lever for him strictly out of the fact that job numbers have never been higher, markets have never been more bullish, and life was good for more people than ever.
I also know that Democrats and their lapdog media have done their level best to downplay this fact. In 2019, major news outlets continuously reported that a recession was on the horizon.
Fast forward to today and the COVID-19 pandemic that locked down the globe has sent unemployment skyrocketing. We’re currently sitting at 36.5 million jobless claims, a stock market in the toilet, and grim economic outlooks. The left got their collective wish. The blow to Trump’s economy is here.
(READ: The Democrat Knife in Our Economic Back)
If the left truly cared about people then they would heed the numbers that show confirmed cases on the decline in states where they’ve already been open for over two weeks, or the fact that despair deaths (suicide, drug overdose, etc) on the rise.
(READ: COVID-19 Cases Decline in States Ending Their Lockdowns)
With all this information available to us, it’s hard to understand why the left would be so enthusiastic to keep the narrative that the virus is a raging monster and the subsequent lockdowns going, that is, unless you put it into the perspective of a useful tool to help win elections. With the narrative, they can paint Trump as both uncaring and irresponsible while making themselves looking caring and mature.
In other words, COVID-19 is useful.
Once that use is gone thanks to the election being over, the COVID-19 virus will, as Eric Trump suggested, magically disappear. He naturally doesn’t mean that the virus will just leave the Earth. It’ll still be around. It just won’t be the apocalyptic monster it was when it was more useful as a tool to hit Trump with.
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