Reddit is not a safe place to be at the best of times, as you never know what may come across your screen as you’re browsing. It would appear that when it comes to the subreddit r/worldpolitics, the NSFW factor has been turned up to 11.
For those of you unfamiliar, Reddit is basically a giant message board with “subreddits” that tackle specific subjects. For instance, if you’re interested in stocks or gardening, there’s a subreddit for you. If you’re a libertarian, conservative, or leftist, there are quite a few subreddits dedicated to your particular flavor of ideology.
Reddit, however, is notoriously left-leaning. Subreddits that are supposed to be neutral are oftentimes ruled by incredibly biased moderators who will delete your posts or ban you from the subreddit altogether if your posts get a little too right-leaning. Some will even ban you if you’re subscribed to a right-leaning subreddit. These include a lot of the political subreddits including r/worldpolitics, a subreddit dedicated to covering political events from all over the globe.
Now, it would appear Reddit users have had it with the biased control and have revolted the best way internet denizens know how: with memes and porn.
According to user u/ta34566, the trouble started with r/worldpolitics mods refusing to delete out of context pictures of right-leaning figures with Jefferey Epstein. This triggered a bit of resistance posting from Reddit users which then snowballed into a mass posting of nude selfies, memes of potatoes and depictions of gay Mohammed, anti-China posts, hentai, and more:
A few days ago, people started karma whoring posting low effort out of context pictures of trump amd epstien and asking for upvotes, as well as some other conservative figures. (If you sort by top posts all time they’re the top few posts). People became fed up about the low effort posts and started posting non politics related posts, one of the biggest being just a picture of a potato which got multiple thousands of upvotes. Then yesterday someone posted an anime girl with her titties out and asked the mods to remove it. When they didnt remove it, everyone began posting porn and hentai, waiting to see if the mods would remove them, and that’s where we’re at now, hoping to do the same to subs like r/politicalhumor r/politics and r/worldnews
Leftists who used to use the subreddit daily have called the move an alt-right plot against a fairly moderated sub, however, user u/designerspit posted a screenshot of what the subreddit used to look like before the revolt occurred. As you can see, it’s nearly all posts and memes dedicated to insulting President Donald Trump.
People are claiming that the mods have now abandoned the subreddit and it’s unclear if they have. Some of the same posts have been up now for over ten hours.
The question now becomes, will this revolt move into other subreddits of the same bias. It’s likely that they’ll be more well prepared for any kind of revolt and have likely already taken actions against a few people who have attempted to start one. Regardless, this turn of events is fascinating, and not just because of the boobs.
Many subreddits that are supposed to be neutral become tightly controlled bias bubbles and it would appear that users have become so sick of the unfair nature with which they’re treated that they’ve gone to lengths to have the subreddit destroyed. Perhaps this will become a trend, and if that does happen, what will the Reddit administrators do to stop it from happening?
Some may ask if they should stop it from happening. It’s clear that many of the subreddits have become irrevocably tainted by moderators who do not allow differences of opinion. It would be one thing if the subreddit was dedicated to that particular bias, but what’s the point of a subreddit that’s not supposed to have one but does?
Perhaps those people posting anime porn and potatoes are doing what nature tends to do naturally when it needs to reboot something. It burns it down and starts fresh. What’s going on there isn’t at all clean, but we have to wonder if it ultimately won’t serve a better purpose.