Things went south real quick for Adidas when racist trolls hijacked a promotion they were doing for their UK account. The idea was to create your own arsenal jersey with a name on the back. Some people entered things such as “@DieAllN******” and “@GasAllJewss.” This was then tweeted out by the Adidas UK Twitter account.
Needless to say, it wasn’t taken well.
@adidasUK @adidas
Excuse me?! Was @gasalljewss on an article of clothing supposed to be funny? This is completely inexcusable.— kc vail (@kcvail) July 3, 2019
It’s unclear if the Adidas account was just using an algorithm to tweet these things out, or if some tired social media operator let it slip through the crack. It’s unclear as to why this happened, but they were called out on it very quickly. One account was the conservative group, Reagan Battalion.
“WHAT THE HELL?” tweeted the group at the Adidas UK account.
For some reason, Twitter decided that this violated their ToS, and proceeded to lock down the Reagan Battalion’s account. The group tweeted out what had happened afterward, noting that Twitter locked their account.
So @Twitter locked our account for calling out a tweet from @adidasUK that said “gas all Jews.” 🤷🏻♂️
— Reagan Battalion (@ReaganBattalion) July 3, 2019
Interestingly enough, while Twitter was busy making sure accounts like the Reagan Battalion were being silenced, the accounts that began the entire ordeal that had the racist monikers were still alive and well.
@holybullies @margoandhow@Twitter didn't suspend its @gasalljewss account until an Adidas bot retweeted it and got scorched for it. In other words, until Twitter got more bad press for issuing revolting user names like that (and @dieallniggers)
— AKSARBENT (@aksarbent) July 3, 2019
I want to say that Twitter entered an algorithm that would locate images like this and prevent its spread from happening across its site, I really do. The problem is that the very accounts that started this seemed to go untouched. So, even if it was an algorithm that did it, it was an algorithm specifically designed to react to certain accounts and not others.
Or, at least, that’s what we’re seeing.
I can pardon Adidas for what happened. There are a lot of people who spend a lot of time trying to figure out ways to shock people and fool companies into doing something stupid. It’s one of 4Chan’s favorite hobbies. Twitter, however, has really made a name for itself with targeting conservatives and right-leaning individuals with various punishments for things that aren’t even worthy of punishment.
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