WATCH: New "Walls Across America" Episode Takes a Look at the Multiple Walls Around Obama's Home

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Benny Johnson of the Daily Caller is back with another episode of “Walls Across America.”

In the first episode, Johnson went down to Long Island, New York to check out George Soros’s wall and found a 10-foot tall monstrosity that spanned entire blocks.


This time, Johnson has decided to travel to the homes of various celebrities to see what their walls looked like.

First, Johnson went to see if former President Barack Obama has a wall he has, but was unable to actually get there because the road to his home was blocked off by multiple barriers and police security.

“Is there a 10 ft. wall in front of Obama’s house?” asked Johnson. “Because there are like, seven walls preventing me from even finding out.”

Try as Johnson might, multiple security measures were in place to protect anyone from approaching Obama’s home, and fair enough. A former president, especially one so recently out of office, should have that kind of security.

But it’s a bit lame that Obama gets to enjoy that kind of security against anyone from the outside coming in, and having multiple measures to stop unwanted visitors, including barriers, while the nation itself is being prevented from doing the same.


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