Totally Self-Aware Hillary Clinton Compares Herself to the Game of Thrones' Mad Queen

And the award for the most un-self-aware person on the planet once again goes to failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton for comparing herself to the most evil woman in pop-culture.


Breitbart White House corespondent Charlie Spiering got a hold of Clinton’s new book “What Happened,” and noticed a peculiar passage where the hapless Democrat paints herself as a victim of mean things chanted at her by Trump supporters such as “guilty.”

The horror.

But as she was playing her sad violin, she compared herself to Game of Thrones villainess Cersei Lannister, who (spoiler alert) has lied, cheated, and killed her way to the Iron Throne.

The scene Clinton is referring to is when Cersei was stripped naked, and forced to walk through the city of King’s Landing in order to atone for her crimes. As she did, the citizens — who really hate her — cursed her, threw food and…other things at her, and mocked her relentlessly. All the while, a member of the land’s church walked behind her with a bell, repeating “shame…shame…shame.”

Just for fun, let’s run down the list of things Cersei is guilty of.

She blew up an entire church filled with people, including her son’s wife, because she didn’t feel like answering for her crimes. She arranged to have her whoring husband killed, and — as the Daily Wire points out — may be responsible for the murder of many innocent children just because they threatened her power.


While Clinton isn’t so bad as that, she has been known to support the help of those willing to murder innocent children for the sake of convenience. Those who do the baby murdering actually rewarded her for it. Also, her husband has been known to Robert Baratheon it up from time to time, so there’s that.

Unlike the Game of Thrones series, we know how Clinton’s story ends. So does the White House according to the Washington Times.

“I think it is pretty clear to the president what happened,” said Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

I hate to ruin the ending to Clinton’s book for you, but she doesn’t get the Iron Throne.



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