Carly Fiorina Joins Others In Urging Trump to Step Down In Favor of Mike Pence

The hits just keep on coming.

With a wave of Republicans disgusted and sick of Trump embarrassing the Republican party, politicians and big names alike have been fleeing the sinking ship that is the Trump campaign. Ben Sasse, Jason Chaffetz, and Mike Lee have all now withdrawn their support, and many have done so with the intention of putting Mike Pence in his place.


Now we can throw former contender for the Republican nomination, and former running mate of Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, in with the cavalcade of voices.

On Twitter, Fiorina released this statement:

She too has suggested Mike Pence take Trump’s place, in hopes it would legitimize the Republican party once again. Indeed, the only person less liked than Hillary is Trump, and this switch-up may be the shot the Republican party needs to regain any health.

As it stands, Hillary is slated to beat Trump handily, and after this disaster that has befallen the Trump campaign, there’s very little reason for him to remain. Perhaps a Pence ticket is the key to a Republican victory, but with so many done with the Republican party, it may be time for a new one to rise.


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