
Lie-Able Sources Podcast: WaPo Staff Quits Over Freedom, Brian Stelter's Horrid Week, and a Misinfo Study

Your source to mainline mainstream media misdeeds and malarky. 

The Washington Post is at it again – and by “It” we mean staffers having a conniption. A number of them quit over something rather innocuous. Back in November we witnessed this when the paper took the stance of offering no stance on the election. This time it is no more logical.

Next, against our better judgment, we look into Brian Stelter who was having himself a rather bad week. We know better than to expect much in the form of quality from the media maven, but even for him he managed to stack up the indolent content in an almost impressive fashion. Then we close out with some analysis on the misinformation front, finding where there is a differing standard shown from those who bray abut the subject the most. As a Bonus: There’s been a Nina Jacowicz sighting!

Now, crack one open and savor some mainstream media malpractice and misinformation.


  1. The time he promoted blocking Fox News in the White House.

  2. Recalling how he denied Biden’s mental decline.

  3. Now he complains about conspiracies in the media, despite his own string of conspiracy theories.


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